
Thats a piss poor representation of their policies and beliefs. Look at quality over quantity. Who voted for Trumps trade deal? Who voted for any of his defense spending bills?

Wow, what a ghoul. Who is your candidate so I can demand they be held accountable for your toxicity?

She wanted to be the goldilocks candidate which is a very difficult lane to maneuver. Ill have to look it up, but one exit poll out of NH really laid it out for me - almost half of the respondents thought she was too progressive, half thought she wasnt progressive enough. I do think her M4A tact was a mistake simply

My only objection is when people say Bernie is not a democrat as if he has no right to run for the party’s nomination when he has in fact been a lifelong progressive. If he doesn’t qualify then former republicans shouldn’t either. I have no qualms about Warren other than I think she’s run a poor campaign, received

Maybe the problem.....is her. 

I thought you said “Bye”, dont be a hypocrite.

H2h polls are pretty useless especially for candidates that are in fifth place. All it means is that Trump is very unpopular.

It takes a case of terminal brainworms to believe that the woman who was a republican until she was 50 years old is a better representation of the party than the lifelong progressive.

Curious, who is currently leading the national polls?

Rather than align herself with Hillary, Kamala, Kristen and Amy”

Warren suffers from having no support among people of color because she has done absolutely nothing to earn their trust. 

This site continues to have the dumbest analysis of politics on the internet. A truly amazing feat. She’s disappeared because no one wants to talk about a fourth place campaign, and she has done absolutely NOTHING to endear herself to or gain the trust of POC communities. I see you glossed over the fact that she

Michael, you can’t make the argument you are making in this article without calling out Bloombergs most shameless defender by name, Dr. Jason Johnson.

Wait a minute, Stephen, you cant possibly be so stupid as to think socialism=poor.....right?

Hell yeah

This man had beto at number one on his list the day he dropped out! He was JUST on TV defending Bloomberg from being called an oligarch in a shameful display. Btw, Bloomberg is precisely an oligarch - a business person with outsized political influence due to his wealth. We will have to agree to disagree on this, Dr.

Just wanted to add that Dr. Jason Johnson is a hack

No one has threatened to kill you, liar

Damn, no wonder this site is losing clicks fast after you lost your “anchor” with deadspin.

You are a total embarrassment.