
All the same, expect endless whining that it's even there, regardless of the fact that you can easily turn it off if you want.

The new Camaro, designed by Porsche.

I’m holding out for a wagon, too.

Visibility is bad on all the muscle cars. If you are buying a muscle car and expect good visibility, you’ll be disappointed.

GM: Ya, we should’ve let them go bankrupts, ‘cause, you know, all they do is take government money and never create any jobs with it...

I had a conversation on Facebook about this very event. Let me paraphrase my responses here:

Chevrolet “That’s what they make Honda Accord’s for”....... “This is a Camaro, and it is flat out bad ass.....learn to use the mirrors or go buy a Hyundai”

It sells very well.......i think you are in the minority

As someone who purchased a motorcycle the day after watching a movie that featured it, with zero clue about any Ducati dealerships/mechanics in the area, all I can say is...uh...

A GT-R is still a Nissan, and that is even worse I think

Italy is all about haute couture, what’s more haute than fire?

Next question

Well, you have to go beyond the limit to find where it really is.

You’d have trouble walking in a straight line if your eyes were all bandaged up too.

The Edge Sport also had the 3.7L N/A V6 engine, not the 3.5L V6.

Sometimes you can have both.

I feel the same way, to me the looks of a 500L is like they were trying to make a European Aztek, honestly one of the ugliest cars on the road.

This is just an A-pillar mounted far back, with an extra support to mount a conventionally shaped windshield. But the 500L does have excellent all-around visibility.

It doesn’t look Ballaban, it looks wrong.

Let me tell you something. I’ve worked for two different dealerships, and I’ve worked in sales operations at a corporate level for a major automaker. If I found out that a dealer wasn’t allowing test drives on a car that cost the same as a base 3 Series, I would be absolutely livid.