
Can we send these to North Koreans that aren't brainwashed so they can find their way across the minefields of the North and South Korean border. That is, if they make it through the electric fences.

@JahKnow: I'm sure you can find an outlet somewhere. :)

Hrm, most of the comments surprised me. Isn't the mifi $50 for 5 GB a month and the iPad 3G plan $25 for 2GB a month? I would rather carry that little mifi and use it with my iphone/ipad/notebook when AT&T's shitty coverage can't give me access to the internet. It's really little and lightweight too so its not like

This could work with an invisible shield & case combo.

@doit2julia: Did he have a case on it? I've dropped mine MANY times and the case saved my phone so many times.

Fresh quark-gluon plasma pizza? Can I get that with stuffed crust?

@Dorisaurus: Its this myth that if you crush birth control and put it in your shampoo your hair will grow really fast. lol

I like willows coat.

I think that sheltering kids from this kind of music isn't the answer. They aren't always going to be with you so what's the point. I think parents need to let their kids know whats right from wrong and give them good morals regardless of what they hear on their radio/iPod or T.V. Shielding them from this stuff always

I don't know about the clocks but gimme those pills if you don't want them. I can crush them up and put them in my shampoo so I can have long hair this winter. :)

Nothing happened to me. It went off as usual. I manually set mine though so that probably helped.

@Coup d’état: Ehhh, not buying it. I hate to sound like my mom but she looks really dumb slouching all the time. lol

Why is she always slouching?! Does she have a hump or something?

@pseizure2000: lol The voice I read it with in my head made this funnier than it should have been.

Ozzy better be in the next issue of X-Men. Come on Marvel, make it happen already.

Fuck both. I use Twitter and have it automatically update my status on FB and Myspace. Every week I'll check FB and every month I'll check Myspace. Facebook will die then Twitter will be the main one me thinks. Then Twitter will die and Tumblr will win which will then die and everybody will go flocking back to Xanga.