I really want this poster.
@Travis Gohr: Disney and real are basically the same in that they'll charge you an extra $3 to see it. The Imax 3d will cost you much more than $3.
@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: I'm going to hold out for the next gen ipad. As for the MBP, as long as they refresh it I'll get one. It'll have to have Lion though.
I know its just one menu screen but it really didn't change much. Kind of underwhelming. I bet google will prove me wrong though....hopefully.
@Facebook: lmao
@blue-eyes-whitedragon: That seems silly. Bent? China is a mess.
@tumes: I'm at work and Kotaku is blocked. (FUCK ME)
@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: Aren't MBP's due for a refresh soon? I'll get it when they roll out Lion I suppose. My VAIO's video card is about to explode altogether.
@Civvie: Didn't you see all those cars driving toward it?
I want hipstamatic to add new stuff. I've already bought everything there is to buy and want to give them more money.
@McMike: Your old ass is quite hairy.