
@JayBrizzle: So not only are they paying half a grand for these but their going to fall apart in a week too?

@superveloce: I agree. My GF has a Fit and its pretty nice. Its a small car but I dont feel like a giant in it. I'm 6ft tall btw.

@pj134: I think you were on acid. haha j.k.

@agreeable_panda: I hope its the [expletive deleted] where babys come out of. Because if's going to get messy!

As long as they get the dude that did the music for Sonic 1 and 2 I will be one happy mantitty.

This looks pretty tight. They should have stayed with the 2D anyway.

@brass2themax: I was thinking it would've come with some PVC figurine, a book, a metal game case and the actualy console etched with the games FF emblem. This bundle is a joke.

When you open a jar turn it upside down and with the palm of your hand or fist hit it hard 3-4 times on the bottom of the jar. The lid will give under the pressure and release some of the air inside. And no it wont spill on you since its upside down.

@hazelnut: LMFAO. How I miss the 151 days.

Waiting for the Next Ninja Gaiden or DOA5 PLZ

Avada Kedavra!

@NeVeRMoRe666: Its no secret Sony's PS design team FAILS when designing anthything. The PS1 was decent but the PS2 & 3 are ridiculously ugly imho.

@AmphetamineCrown: Do you by any chance own lots of duct tape? Just wondering.

@Torusan: Im assuming you have yet to play lost odyssey? That came with 3 discs on the spindle and the fourth was in a paper sleeve with the booklet. Each disc had it's own art. I just hope they put this in a better case. I want all 4 discs secure on a spindle. Is that so much to ask? I wonder if it's going to come in

I was obsessed to a certain point but now I just play the gAme through normal and replay it again on the toughest difficulty and if don't unlock it the se one time then tough shit. Just move onto the next game. Unless it's REALLY easy to get and I know I can spend 15min to do it then I'll go out of my way. But like

@Prostate of Grace: LOL I hope your being sarcastic and if not maybe leave your cave? Whichever, the apple reference made me laugh anyway. :)

@butternine: lol i already got mine fixed and i have another year warranty. But if it happens again ill be sure and keep that in mind.