I saw some random text on one image. Check if it is "ymT9Hv". Or perhaps is a link to another image?
I saw some random text on one image. Check if it is "ymT9Hv". Or perhaps is a link to another image?
My father is a doctor and he always tells (joking) that he uses the house cat purr to keep cancer in check.
Yeah, because introducing 30 flesh melting hornets is such an easy task...
I think I am not THAT old because I used 5¼" floppy disks, but not that monstrosities.
In other words, Google image search sucks. Use TinEye if you want an exact match.
That Jedi is a little out of shape...
In windows 7 x64, if I have already opened Photoshop, it opens subsequently in about 2 seconds. First time takes about six seconds.
Do you realize that:
First of all, you must understand that this was at night. I really doubt you will jump into the darkness from 15+ meters (I don't know the exact figure, but you can easily see it's no small height). You could fall onto the same rock that caused the sinking, besides the fact that jumping into the water from such height…
He is questioning calling the "United States of America" as "America", which is the name of the continent the country is based on. There are a lot of other countries in "America" besides the United States. And there is more than one country in North America.
0:43, uhm, Behemoth?!?
From the comments: "I had to watch this about five times to realize that the point of throwing the pizza was to cool it down. All of the other times my brain was just too broken and dumbfounded to process any sort of rational thought."
I was looking at the photos and... how in the world is that structure going to withstand a 5-megaton nuclear blast? Is there an underground bunker apart from the station?
Any reason why you don't teach people to build normal, good looking houses?
I went there some years ago. Don't remember my lips drying up.
The Jedi burger looks like some kind of creature with teeth and a cheese tongue sticking out.
When I studied this thing in algebra, I never accepted it. It just doesn't make sense to me. Good to know it also didn't make sense to a lot of other mathematicians.
Lip Balm, Eye Drops... is there something wrong with your bodily water content?
I totally agree. If we put a symbol to it, it will become just another religion.