
@nachobel TOTORO!: Sorry, but the original trilogy is not going to be released in Blu-Ray according to Lucas...

@spoogy: As I replied to another poster, Lucas said he was not going to include the original versions, don't remember the reasons, something about it taking too much time or resources.

@zslane: I think almost the same as you.

@dragonfliet: The original versions are on DVD?!?

All this sex toys makes me wonder that happened to the, nature approved, official penis shape?

@michaelduff: Yeah, I read the article and lots of theories, but nothing concrete.

I hope this means Canon is coming to his senses and that the 7D successor will have LESS mega pixels...

And then inside the elevator you have to select the floor... with your elbow.

Well, looks like drives a: trough z: have the same directory.

@MaximKat: Thanks for the link. This smelled like BS from the beginning.

Whatever it is, I hope they don't ruin the franchise more.

"...they'd hacked the PS3 to run pirated apps and games..."

This article didn't make too much sense.

Don't fungi like higher temperature and humidity? What about athletes foot?

Well, you know, some people just don't care.

Maybe I am wrong, but don't cameras like the Nikon D700 already have digital data on the viewfinder like a virtual horizon?

@doogie1022: Metal? When I want to hear Metal I will hear Iron Maiden, or even Judas Priest. Not this crap.

@SkiBum1207: If I understand correctly, isn't that what the side fan pushing air over the components is for?

Feliz Año Nuevo from Chile

I presume foods in the same group (column) taste about the same?