The sound of the blades cutting the air give me the creeps.
The sound of the blades cutting the air give me the creeps.
@theprancingboar: Come on, it's just a nice effect applied in another context. It's not like someone is going to get blind or something.
@t0ughguy0: Wow. So, a bike is not a means of transportation and a car is?
So, chopping down a living tree is greener?!?
@njefferson: OK, maybe I am lucky, but in all the years I have been using windows, I have never had that error.
Looks like the deck from a spaceship.
@bwm210: He is behind United Nuclear?!?
I have the boxed cd version of Riven, beautiful box art.
Reapers you say?
@Hooray4Zoidberg: I am sure these are a few kilometers smaller in size than the "other" ones.
@wanderingrabbi: One word: Condoms. Use them. You can have sex with someone if you want, just take precautions. And if you want a long term relationship (with someone you trust), do an ELISA, both of you, and enjoy freedom.
There were already tours around Pripyat for photographers, I guess now they opened more areas.
Good Lord...
Come on, videos of water drops are older than the internet.
Uhm, what???
Let me guess... you are a virgin?
@Lassus: What I found totally awesome was how kitty likes sunsets. It's interesting because you would think only a human could appreciate something like that.
@Geisrud: Yeah, it was immediately evident to me. Easier to use numbers.
@senorbelly: That looks more like the Reverse Cowgirl I usually do with my girl...
@bailfire: Yeah, not the first time I hear of something similar. This must happen from some time to time.