
This doesn't make too much sense... how do the magnets change something in the brain??? Any biochemist/physicist that can share any light on the subject?

$13,259 for a tasteless speaker that probably sounds like sh!t?

Had very old console with pong and another one in color. After that it was only computers: Atari 800XL, Atari 1040ST, PC. Few of my friends had consoles too.

With a couple of friends at my Uni, we made a few kinds of ice cream using liquid nitrogen. Worked wonders.

RoboCop looks a little disproportionated...

Not very sold on any of the 3 concepts. I mean, the first 2 is something similar to what you can find on the web. And the last one is, well, kind of a videogame (text adventure anyone?)

@Magnetism: I couldn't agree more. Every time I see people implying that neurons/synapses = bits I roll my eyes. I see the brain as an electrochemical device, governed, at the smallest level, by the randomness of quantum mechanics. I speculate that two identical brains can give different answers to the same question.

What is being online? My computer is on 24/7.

Speakers are those kind of hardware that you have to check for yourself. It's no use to look at specs, or frequency response plots, if when you hear them, you don't like them.

OK, what's going on here?

Mh, you talk like everybody wants a mini computer in their phone.

That's what I like models and what I hate about modern CG graphics. With models you can sense there is a real object, albeit a model, instead of pixels generated by a computer.

I have a password for each site/service I use. All of them are generated by the random nature of quantum mechanics of radioactive decay.

@Ding-Dang: I very much doubt any institution would give a 75 year old man a 30 year mortgage.

Uhm, we are all going to die. That's not a reason to shape your 15+ years left of life according to that final event.

Mirrorless? AFAIK, all camcorders I have had and know are mirrorless. D/SLR's have mirrors, but that is another beast.

And there you have and idiot director. Cowboys ride saddles for 8 hours? Have you ever ride a saddle for 8 hours? You would be so sore you wouldn't want to sit again, ever. That's why, at least over here in Chile, we put some blankets over the saddle, to cushion the ride at least a little.

Well, I have always thought of something like this.

@schwinn: Come on... Windows XP working 7 years without performance loss? I like XP, but you have to reinstall at least once a year, performance starts degrading a lot.