Point taken with the seat belt and helmet laws (both of which I think are silly). But DUI and texting laws are not for the benefit of the stupid decision makers, it’s for everyone else on the road.
Point taken with the seat belt and helmet laws (both of which I think are silly). But DUI and texting laws are not for the benefit of the stupid decision makers, it’s for everyone else on the road.
The ultimate question is this: What did these guys do that’s worth punishing? The guys in the car did not force the skier to do this, he could have let go of the rope at any time and stopped.
I would argue that the sun boots the performance of the “device.” Like an automatic squirrel mincer that works fine in the dark when plugged in, but has 15% more squirrel mincing power when the sun is out.
In a real timely emergency the police better used for cleanup than actual help. If you’re counting on the police to save you in a life or death encounter then you’ve already lost.
The dude/chick literally RAN A RED LIGHT that was activated due to the height of the truck. How is that inadequate?
Because I am about 100% convinced that in my lifetime there will be a ban on manual driving, at least in certain areas (cities). Probably everywhere. “People are dangerous,” they’ll say. This absolutely will ruin the automotive industry for people like us.
Your argument works if there was due process (a conviction), but civil forfeiture can occur if the authorities even THINK you’re going to use property to commit a crime. There are several examples out there of people travelling with large wads of cash to buy a car or whatever, and the authorities just take it.…
Dale Earnhardt Senior was 49 when he died, and he didn’t appear to be slowing down (nor did he look like an olympian). If I cared to put in more time searching, I’m sure I could find professional drivers in the same (or older) age group.
Lol 10 points calling someone ignorant when you have no IDEA of the level of physical fitness required to ride a horse at a competitive level.
Truly spoken like someone who has never done competitive and high level dancing OR dressage. My mom, who competes in dressage, says that drivers aren’t athletes. Until you’ve done it or spoken to someone else who does it at a high level, don’t pretend you know what you’re talking about.
Yay for offensive generalizations! It’s okay because they’re probably both white conservatives and therefore deserve to be made fun of and showered by shrapnel and toxic fluids! :D
Anyone can sue anyone else at any time for any (or no) reason. Disclaimers may or may not have power in CRIMINAL law, but in the case of a CIVIL dispute like this they hold no power. The reason for these disclaimers is to make people THINK that they can’t sue. These documents aren’t for the party being sued, they’re…
Awww the gif on the main page?? You didn’t even give me the opportunity to scroll past? :(
Poor form.
I’ll gladly sign a petition to stop hiring grid girls, booth babes, etc. I don’t get how this is still an accepted practice. I understand that companies use this advertising because they think it’s effective, but I really don’t understand why/if it’s effective. Are people really tuning in to sporting events to see a…
Can confirm “Wheeeeeeeeeeee!”
Not only that, but the implication is that cars are now polluting more. The fact of the matter is that power plants have reduced emissions. So the writer is bitching that power plants are cleaner I guess...
But clearly the root cause was not you refusing to get the repair done, it was the lack of a law forcing you to do so. *sigh*
Dude was probably almost running people over because he was tweeting about almost running people over.
A right wing shill wouldn’t accept his apology. A right wing shill wouldn’t say “people make mistakes” about something like this. If she was trying to bring him down, why did she say that she doesn’t necessarily think he should resign? That seems counter productive.
If rally cars just weren’t so damn quiet maybe they could have heard it coming...