Antubis is nominal

I honestly don't care if my number is shown, as the only people that will see it are my friends. What's all the hullabaloo about?

Alas, invites no worky at the moment.


When you shut down a reactor, the fuel rods remain hot, so you need the cooling system to be active to prevent overheating.

@DeaconGTG: How would that be a good comeback? You can make the font smaller in any word processor.

I call shenanigans on Tablet Magazine calling shenanigans on talk radio's callers. The author of the source article has found no solid evidence of paid voice actors calling in; he's only able to talk about the coincidence that one of the parent company's other divisions is a call-in service.

Matt, excellent editorial.

Oops, I had the wrong building. The Savoy makes much more sense.

There are a few urban explorers that choose to camp out in or live in abandoned skyscrapers. I've read about one man that chose to live in the Heaven On Earth Inn, an abandoned 31-story building in downtown Houston.

Your stereotypes amuse me.

Them's fightin' words, partner.

I'm hoping this guy was drunk, because it looks bad on the Houston police for a veteran cop to do something like this.

Just because there are concealed weapons doesn't mean that the weapons are used.

I would like to note that this man does NOT represent Houstonians (we don't make it a habit to use tear gas at social functions), and is a complete idiot.


This is just a bad idea on so many levels.

Gawker no longer uses Sitemeter, so those numbers are far from accurate.

Gizmodo, your readership is already on edge from the redesign, the hacking, and the perceived declining of article quality, so why on earth would you post flamebait like this? What editor in his or her right mind would think that this article is a good idea?

This phone is absolutely gorgeous. The interesting curves of this phone seem to be a match for the contemporary design of WP7. I can't wait to see specs.

These extension cords have already been invented, and are sold for outdoor Christmas decoration use. However, Multi Lines appears to be the first to sell them in different colors.