
Season 2 picks up a year later. Batwoman has been dead for some time. Suddenly there are four different beings all claiming to be Batwoman, and one is a teenager and another is a robot I think?

Most states who are taking conservative steps to reopen won’t even have theaters open by then.  Even if you have people skip every other seat there is really no way to truly social distance a movie theater because unless you are sitting on an end there is no way to leave you seat without having to step by others. 


Abbott’s order supersedes city requirements for masks. Texas still “encourage” masks, but won’t allow cities to penalize anyone for not wearing them. 

Also Bumblebee is pretty good.

Oh OK. I just wasn’t clear on which one you were taking over the other.

Yeah, my ranking of the Brosnan films is Goldeneye>The World Is Not Enough>Tomorrow Never Dies>>>>>>>>Die Another Day. I feel like people just talked about the absurdity of the Denise Richards role and that groan-worthy “I thought Christmas only comes once a year” line to end the film, and that overshadowed the

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See, the problem with getting Canadians for your project is that they insist in doing the lines in both English and French.

“I’m trained in the deadly art of pulling your jersey up over your head and friggin’ wailing on you!”

For some reason, my favorite moment in this episode was wordless: when Hitchcock at the end says his problem is that he is a workaholic, and Holt looks totally bewildered, and Rosa, sitting next to him, makes a gesture to reassure him that he shouldn’t worry about it. That just killed me for some reason. Maybe it was

Ocean dude was going to use captured nuclear subs to start World War III. Space dude was going to use a neurotoxin to poison the world’s oxygen supply.

Looks like I have some catching up to do...

I’m a Black woman and I voted for her. I know several others who did or will also. As for feeling personally involved, I should hope you feel personally involved with whomever you vote for in the primary. It should be someone whose values align with yours. I get that you are attempting to denigrate Warren supporters

Calling It: Last episode, he gets invited to Nun Rave. They let the Naruto Franciscans come.

In the crossover no one saw coming he fights Brian Dennehy’s son from First Blood:

The Other Fist, Also Full of Dollars.

Sequels that throw “More” or “Another” into the old title have a sort of journeyman’s dignity to them as well, as they announce to the audience, “Here’s more of the same.”

Look Who’s Talking Too, too.

So there’s going to be two different versions of the same movie with the same actor but different directors?

I feel like May the 4th is at least an okay pun so I am okay with that on some level but our Alexa tells us the news of the day, including kids news and every day is “Something day” it seems and my son goes nut about it for no reason.