
I’m lovin’ it!

No, Star Trek V has to be the one where Saldana does a fan dance.

Sloan’s latest album is out this week as well, and it’s glorious. That they should be this strong 25 years into a career with 4 different songwriters astounds me.

Will it be about how Glorious Godfrey became President of the United States to pave the way for an invasion by Apokolips?

He’s actually the Master?

Maybe he’ll luck out and it’ll be during the Lee Harvey Oswald leap so he can hang out with his dad.

FYI - Superman doesn’t reverse time by making the planet spin backward. He flies faster than the speed of light, and the planet going backward is a visual representation of time reversing.

Looked like a pretty good guest list. Then: Howard Stern.

The site might or might not have changed but the commentariat sure has become a whiny gaggle of fucking crybabies.

Come on, man. I just finally got “Return of the Mack” to stop playing in my head. Not cool.

Nice, but her outfit really needs more decorative vegetables.

It was always about family.

Now playing

The Tragically Hip’s last concert. Unknown outside of Canada, you can’t listen to a rock station up north of 49 without hearing them. Not just cause of CanCon rules, they’re just...really good. Or at least they’re a shared cultural touchstone.