
I’ve been listening to Sloan all week in anticipation of this album! I didn’t love Commonwealth (somehow the ‘each member gets one side of a double LP’ concept that should have been amazing just didn’t work for me), but I’ve been a fan since Twice Removed and am always excited to get new Sloan music.

This really was the best joke.

Same for me, the Kyle/Wally era is when I got back into comics after years away and it was refreshing to see things had actually changed. Wally stuck around as Flash for quite a while after that, but Geoff Johns kept making him more and more like Barry (taking away the public identity, putting him in Barry’s old

Orion played a big role in Azarello’s excellent Wonder Woman run, so it’s not like she couldn’t shoehorn Gal Gadot into this to make the suits happy.

DeVito is obviously Oberon.

As cool as that would be, I wouldn’t mind seeing him as the Meddling Monk. Give the Master a rest and bring in one of the other Time Lord renegades from the Doctor’s past.

The best part is, he’s still perfect for Lee Scoresby!

I actually preferred the octagon shield from a design point of view. The black and white looks a bit off to me against the red of the costume. But I love this series, and I’m excited about the new direction.

We do, but we let them out if they say they’re sorry.

I wonder if they’re testing an alternating schedule because their number of DC shows keeps growing and their available hours is stuck at 10 a week. If both shows continue to do well, could we see 10 weeks of Flash followed by 10 weeks of Arrow then back to Flash for 6, etc. in the same slot next fall?

As a rule, yes. But doing so did give Matt Smith one of the best new Doctor intro scenes. His enthusiasm at discovering he was crashing completely won me over.

Excited for this, and for the Big Finish audioplays Bradley is doing in 2018, and for the new Doctor and companions. Basically, Doctor Who is exciting!

Almost all of the Doctor’s regenerations have taken place in or near the TARDIS (or had Time Lord assistance like the Watcher), so I think it’s safe to say it’s at least an important part of the process.

I’m wondering if we’ll see Harry pose as Thawne at some point before this is all over, and that’s why they’re using the Cavanaugh version.

Between Slade vs the Jackals and big fight at the end of Legends of Tomorrow, this has been a good week for the Arrowverse fight choreographers. 

True, and Pertwee’s wardrobe changed a lot. It was really John Nathan-Turner who wanted the Doctor to have a ‘costume’ that was marketable. That’s where we got Davison’s cricketing outfit and Colin Baker’s multicoloured jacket (McCoy changed jackets along the way, but stuck with his panama hat, umbrella, and question

My first thought was “Wow, that’s a lot”, but after a few minutes’ consideration I like it. Maybe it’s because the Who era I grew up with (very end of Tom Baker through Sylvester McCoy) had a lot of very quirky costumes. But if the last few years are any indication (and they might not be, with a new show runner taking

Terriers, we hardly knew ye

"This has to be the end, right?" is what we said every other day during the campaign.

I don't want another season because I can't imagine it being as great as what we're currently getting.