
IV has a great ending… which V promptly undoes.

I'm sure someone has already suggested this by now, but Damian Lewis has to star right? The creator of Life and executive producer of Homeland?

But it was very evil. And it gave him an excuse to dress up in samurai armour.

So it's You Only Live Twice? (The Ian Fleming version, not the Sean Connery one)

David Milch. I loved John From Cincinnati and Luck just as much as Deadwood and NYPD Blue. I would watch a David Milch show about a button factory.

I believe Moonface has an EP out this month as well.

I like Full Frontal. Also liked Bubble and The Girlfriend Experience as experiments. The Good German, on the other hand…

Loved the Mangan series. Just make more of those.

Damn, I just moved to Houston and was hoping they'd actually come here on tour.

The Double Cross is a great album, as is Never Hear The End Of It. I saw them live last fall when they were touring for the 20th anniversary of Twice Removed and it was a phenomenal show.

He's very good in The Ninth Configuration which Blatty also wrote and directed.

Phenomenal film. Not quite on the level of the original for me, but damned close. I really wish we could get a director's cut. Oh, and the novel ("Legion", as mentioned above) is great too.

The Basia Bulat album is fantastic.

They even mention in his intro episode that he's on loan from Central City's police department.