Antonio Marcelino

Is it mandatory that each episode must have one big human ou zombie action scene? Damn that piece with Rick and Carl outside that house was super lame

She's just a den mother… that murdered and entire city without mercy a couple of weeks ago

Maybe Mimi-Rose will be the fifth "Girl".
(I know she won't, but let me dream ok)

Why everytime some character has a romantic relationship with another character of the same sex people assume they are gay. Bisexuals are real, fyi

It is odd that Tyreese doesn't see his father during his halluciation. Of course, they would have to cast a guest actor just for that and it could be confusing. But since it is a cast reunion, why he doesn't see his dead girlfriend? The one that Carol killed?

Also: japanese ladyboys

And we are not even getting to the part when he is beaten by the crown on that christimas fair

I believe that bike was actually generating power, not wasting it. As many exercise bikes do nowadays

Why the swamp isn't kicking Kuvira's ass? It could do that without Toph or the waterbenders (who are unexcusably gone)

These weren'r lemurs, they were sloths

Slow-moving death trap has always been a chinese trope. Maybe they are triad, after all.

What is in the way of any rival company to buy the Tru Blood recipe from the Yakuza (maybe even another company that is also part of Yakuza) and make new, clean Tru Blood?? Like, this whole shit could be solved in less than a fucking year and we won't get a new season BUT they should at least address this possibility…

Are there anything like a villain this season? Sarah looks more like a fugitive PTS victim.

God!!! I knew I did watched that slo-mo hallway scene before! Thank you very much for reminding me of it.

I'm actually sorry for the actor playing him. He's good, like, actually good, wich a great face work and shit. But the script is fucking him

Whoever chose the title for this episode is a genius

I feel bad for the guy playing Jason. He's only there to do softcore porn be a parody of an action hero. At least Lafayette's guy get a new storyline each season and is given funny clothes to wear.

Raven and Jujubee both staying after the lip-synch was probably the wet dream for Chad, since, you know, he's is a known fan of Hunger Games. That was the closest he could get to it.

Raven and Jujubee both staying after the lip-synch was probably the wet dream for Chad, since, you know, he's is a known fan of Hunger Games. That was the closest he could get to it.

How didn't all them bitches jumped into trying to pair with Raven?