That last scene was the most Zombielandiest scene on Walking Dead so far. And I loved it! Oh I miss Zombieland so much
That last scene was the most Zombielandiest scene on Walking Dead so far. And I loved it! Oh I miss Zombieland so much
Maybe he being a bad drinker is the reason he was ever against drinking and reacted so violently when he found out that doctor hidin booze
Homossexuality anyone??? I know he's a Tumblr-Fantasy-Boyfriend and Darabount wouldn't ruin him commercially by making he gay, but storywise it's possible
Yeah, because it's almost impossible to find a condom in a world full of supermarkets and drugstores. Or even to calculate the woman's cycles.
I'm the only one that think collecting dollar bills is a good post-apocalypitic idea? Otherwise, what would you do when you find tobacco or weed? You got have some way to roll your cigars
Is the show just doing advertisement disguised as satire with all that name-dropping (GQ and it's clients, mostly)
I think this show is just finding itself on the comedy side, doing almost sketchs and jokes that are both off-topic and out of character but work for being just fun.
I feel like maybe not just the U.S. government, but a handful of government may have survived and be operating in bunkers. Maybe there isn't much electric energy (but there is generators) but these bunkers sure are able to endure it just like Jenner's did, just a little longer.
C at best. It is the weakest and poorest built episode
for me, it's more likely Brave New World
What I didn't liked about this episode is the lack of "real world relevance/retcon". All the spoiler thing could be easily done with real Game of Thrones information and the bear accident could be a ral accident. The show nowadays seem to be just joking about tropes, not about subjects as it used to joke about in the…
but thankfully, not all the "badass" characters are that bad written or directed. Adam is very well delivered and consistent, most because of Driver's acting than anything, but yet a very good, relatable and believable character
My problem with Jessa is that everyone around her buy and swallow her shit like none of them has the nerve or brains to call her out on her faults & fouls. "Oh, she's soooo smart and beautiful and snarky, ooh my god we can't help but to let her do her number"