
The World loves you. Stop being so hateful, it breaks my heart and my mustaches feel sad.

I’m just feeling like I don’t quite belong.

Yeah, Yeah... rub salt in the wound. THANK YOU DEAR SIR.

The cable! THAT CABLE should be HIDDEN! Not seen by my eyes!!! I feel so unconfortable i want to come in america and set it out for you pal, you will not convince me that you can IGNORE all that MESS in your car! OOOOH NO. I have tremors now. I feel bad.

Nah. Lupara doesn’t mean “the wolf” it’s more like “the wolfer”. It means that this gun will take care of the wolves... Dunno if I made myself clear. In days like this I can’t speak well Italian, go figure if I can translate it in a good english.


My OCD is seriously injured by this picture.


why in the actual damn heck he is speaking like a damn hysteric pussy?

look, bro. i suggest you could live your life in a different way, eh.

I have exactly the same problem but with different sides.



I’m very far from you friend. But still I feel your pain and worries. God bless you all America’s people. I’m sure you will survive even this.

I do agree with you, friend. when I was young I wanted a White Lada Nova that was begging for a new owner... my father though didn’t agree... I couldn’t then... but I swear on Torchinsky bum that someday I will have her up my alley and then commemorate her with a picture here on jalopnik for all my dear Jalops

Well, not with MY car. I mean I would totally purchase a Fiat 500 or another similar class car and put it on rent mode everyday, but that would totally be a car purchased with that purpose in mind. My real car would sit in my garage and i would use it for my hangouts,

I bet this poor being doesn’t know how to drive stick... I think he mispressed the gas when realized the radius of the car was taking him out of the road... So he accelerates instead of using brakes... When he is starting to move you can see an hiccup... He doesn’t seem too comfortable at driving...

Doctor! Ha!

I can bet my mustaches that you will have that "TZK-TZK-TZK-TZK" horrific sound whenever your Tyre rolls on the asphalt. My O.C.D. will totally become uncontrollable in matter of minutes and I would start crying and yelling at everything and everyone. So NOPE. 4 NEW TYRES. Because changing only one would rather cause

I'm pretty sure you will have that "TZK - TZK - TZK - TZK - TZK" scary sound when your tyre rolls on the asphalt... my OCD would become totally uncontrollable and I surely would start crying and yelling at everything.