My facial hairs approve this.
That Camino is so beautifully NP that today’s Jagamino is so BAD that Graverobber should totally feel guilty about having posted it at first.
I really enjoyed reading this Raphael, good work. And I want to share how envy I am (in the nicest way possible) about your Tesla. Even here, where I live, there is one Tesla and I’m pretty sure there is one only. We don’t have any good network for charging that car, and in truth I’m amazed that someone has it for…
“wanted to make the Italian company’s exec’s crap i loro pantaloni.” Don’t want to be an asshat. But the correct sentence would be “crap nei loro pantaloni.”
COTD wannabe here!
I really enjoyed your story. Mr. Churba if You ever plan to return to our wonderful country don’t hesitate to write something to me. Since I’m really close to Cisa Pass you could enjoy a splendid Bottle of Gutturnio (sparkling Red Wine, served chilled, made esclusively in my Area - Emilia Romagna -.
Yeah... and as an Italian I totally love it. Italian Spiderman is one of the most lovable and funny summary of Italian Heritage. I discovered this series almost 8 years ago... And I spread the word in my city here in Italy. People got crazy for it in no time.
I raise my glass to you, good chap!
Agreed. I have bought a little Hyundai i10 M.Y. 2014 as a little city car for my little family we use it extensively for the city commuting. It’s pretty, very confortable, packed full with all kind of optionals and gizmos proper for a bigger car. Exactly 2 years of use, 39.000km on the clock (little more than your…
This machine put me on chills. LOVE IT.
I gently disagree. Even if Alfa 75 was born on the ashes of the sassy Giulietta, it doesn’t mean that it’s a better car. IMHO Giulietta is one of the greatest boxers F/R and anyway to me is more emotional than the newer Alfa 75.
Same here.
Uninspired and too lousy music ruined everything. The first thing a Jalop wants to ear is the sound of the engine. This is so obvious I don’t even know why they thinked about putting music over that.
I do NOT agree on the fact that all Jalops hate the auto transmission. I do love it a lot. But I feel very Jalop. Maybe I’m a new breed. Jalomatic or AutoJalop. Or simply I’m too lazy to move the gear knob and press the often too hard clutch pedal.
Motobot would say: I’LL BE BACK.