
The e-up! sounds uncannily similar to the traditional Yorkshire greeting of "Aye Up". Therefore the e-up! really needs a traditional Yorkshire head garment

In what possible way do Lago's reviews suck? Not only is he a far better driver than Lieberman, but he provides a fair and honest review. His verdicts on each car perfectly match those of any true Jalop, whereas Lieberman always gets bogged down in his own subjective preferences. I'm much more excited to watch

Reading through the comments here, I can't help but notice how conservative (small c) jalopniki are or have become. Whenever there's anything new or out of the ordinary, some bottomless pit of hatred seems to open up- why?

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I'm still digging the whole Cuba and the British Union Flag craze.

The video almost ended right here.

It's still more tasteful than a Panamera or an S-Class AMG, though.

What biased style? He openly admitted he had his own opinions, but opted to leave them out and focus on the science. Everyone has an opinion but you don't have to make that the focus and he didn't.

Even reading the words "nerve gas" gives me this uncomfortable tingle in my sinuses and fingertips.

This was actually a good read. No politics, just science. Need more of these types of articles.

The tree adds a bit of class.

Those are certainly functional, but the aero and visuals of that bother me. I like the JK Habitiats much better.


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This thing is just too awesome not to mention here:

COME ON!!!! Nobody even suggested THIS?!!

Iveco-based campers. 50% go anywhere awesomeness, 50% Zombie Apocalypse Survivormobile, 100% epic!

I really like it. It's immediately recognizable as a Scandinavian design, but looks fresh and forward-thinking. I love that isn't trying to out-German the Germans, too. B+

I say Ryanair is the absolute worst. they delayed our flight from Pisa to London 2 hours for plane trouble. then delayed another 2 hours. then another 2 hours. We sat in the terminal for 14 hours total watching flight after flight leave the gate next to us for...London. They would not switch our flight to a new plane