
Well, a cow udder. I get what you’re saying though.

Excellent strategy that I’m totally going to use from now on.

Me and my partner are in the same boat. It’s so fucking hard. My heart also hurt when I read this. Ugh.

I KNOW!!! I came here to say exactly this. Don’t people have bigger things to fucking worry about?? I mean, c’mon.

yessss you have just described my heaven

Da fuq did I just read?

Loved that movie

I dunno, I’m not a doctor but I do notice a direct correlation in how many more fine lines show when I’m dehydrated as to when I’m not.

But yeah, you’re right. And for sure, my perspective is totally biased due to personal experience and experiences of those I love. The online world is scaaary.

Point taken but personally, while we may be a bit embarrassed, neither of us stand to lose anything because we aren’t hurting anyone or breaking any laws. However, online privacy stuff is terrifying, and it’s a slippery slope to condone doxxing of folks on one site because it doesn’t fit my belief system. However,


Probably quite a few.....

Yeah, it’s totally good:) And oddly enough, the chlamydia diagnosis led to an early diagnosis of Hepatitis C, which I had contracted during a medical procedure while I was working in another country. I went on an experimental treatment and was cured!! So, yeah triple lucky. Rid of bad husband, early diagnosis of


You bring up a good point here and I think one that needs to be addressed in this context. Why is revenge porn defended (probs because of the“whore/bitch deserved it” mentality) but everyone is all “but we don’t know the state of their relationship” for this? Ugh. So anger-making. Online privacy shit is scary. I’m

You’re absolutely right. In fact, that happened to me. Husband #1 gave me chlammydia while we were trying to get pregnant. I was more angry he jeopardized my health than the actual cheating. It was a blessing in disguise as I’m way happier now with Hubby #2, but I’m so thankful it wasn’t something more serious. I mean

That’s not what I’m saying at all and I’m not entirely sure how you took that from what I said. I don’t give a shit about who gets doxxed through this. It’s a chance they took when they signed up and almost to be expected, given AM’s marketing to higher income brackets and potential for blackmail, political smear

That’s true, but the site really pisses me off. People that want to cheat will cheat, with or without Ashley Madison. However, I think their marketing is totally fucking scummy and I have little patience for dishonest people, which I suspect are the people that go for this line of advertising. I’ve seen too many

Yeah and that’s fine, but there are many other sites for that. Ashley Madison is aimed at those who are in traditional relationships, just have a look at their marketing strategies. For chrissakes, the O in Madison is a fucking wedding ring.

In my opinion, everyone who has their shit fucked up from this deserves it. So. Gross. If you want an open relationship, have one. Otherwise GTFO of the one your in if your not happy. If most cheaters spent a quarter of the energy trying to improve their current relationships as they did on their side pieces, I’m