
It was a dumb joke

Who cares about the wheelie, how fast was that ambulance going to be able to get from the hospital to the track that fast?

I was being sarcastic. Also I dislike you. Also sarcastic. Maybe?

I always liked clarkson. Until I saw him use "obv". What is that?

smarty pants put on his smarty smart pants today

I cant tell if this was all serious or all sarcastic? or both at the same time?

Im niether here nor there on electric cars, or the politics behind them but I saw and i3 at the detroit auto show. Id buy it. I saw the i8 to. That one, i would dragon hard!

No storage space? Becuase italian racecar.

It would be overkill, but the yellow is over the top anyways. In a good way

Wanna be a pal and un-grey me?

Im all for the paint on this car its sweet. But come on either paint the whole roof yellow or only do the mirrors, grill outline, and calipers. The whole pillare only yellow is bad!

something something lambo bro something

Pro tip: You cant see the truck if you're in it. I'd buy one

We are neither under martian, or martial law.

10/10 would hoon

You must be fun to drink with

Let's all hope for his swift recovery in rehab and inevitable run for public office.

I usually try not to be negative, or a hater but if this guy never made another video that made it on youtube i would be fine with it

Am I crazy or was this video posted a while ago?

Ha! I had one of these. Not this rare one, just a normal daytona shelby. Not sure if it was the turbo 1 or 2. I got this car when i first started to really get into cars. 5 speed, turbo, and loud BOV it did all the right things. Unfortunatly who ever had the car decided to use solid engine mounts and one day i put it