
How about Morning Joe and Mika? They were both married and were also co-anchors and ended up having an affair. They were both white! no one is dragging them through the mud. T.J. is an Black man and Amy is white. Could that be the reason for all of this unwanted publicity ?

Ok! This is like the third or fourth post about the brother. Enough already with dogging out the brother! Let’s shift focus to the white girl please.

You are saying that all Black women are the same and any one book is about each and every one of black women, grow up already.

I don’t know why BW ate up in arms about this. Marilee is TJ’s Biracial 2nd wife his 1st wife is and actual Black women. He cheated on Marilee with his Indian GMA producer 1st and now this. Marilee is a male content she should have been gone

So what you’re saying is for a Black actor to breakthrough, he needs to be the Best Black friend to the White lead or play a sketchy character like a dirty cop, psycho pimp, or s taught how to enjoy fried chicken by a White guy? That’s good to know.

This seems more of an indictment of how screwed up Hollywood’s

Commenting on anyone’s relationship drama - if you’re not a principal actor (heh) or directly effected - is tacky in the extreme.

Here’s the thing: Food from Black folks is usually better because we know how to use seasonings and staples to enhance a dish, not hide it.

Or, you cook your shit the way you want and whoever wants to, can cook their shit the way they want.

Yet somehow his actions are significant enough for the Root to write about him almost daily.

This fucking fool. Kanye will probably hire him to teach at his “academy” when he’s sprung.

An Islamist black guy? Fuck me. The terrorist gangsta collab no one asked for.

Why are all Omars such racist assholes?

I also love all the trolls saying how funny Chappelle still is, like don't lie to me man. 

You can tell that “one individual” that they may be right, but they’re also foolish as hell for letting “not a backwards thinking racist” be the enemy of “ideal Democratic candidate”. People need to vote like their lives depend on it or don’t... while also not pretending to care about anyone (including yourself). Just

For someone that claims to give zero shits, he sure whines a lot. 

American politics is the stupidest shit, I swear to God.

His fans are always scratching themselves for some reason.

I read somewhere that Kid Rock makes music people who how exactly what the Sudafed purchase limit is at Walgreens.

I love the commercials that act like this is a huge cultural event and not just another MCU movie all because they refused to make a superhero movie featuring a predominately minority cast until 2018. New Line Cinema put out Blade in 1998 but Disney was like nope can’t have a black super hero lead a movie until a

1) He’s lying. This is stuff coming from similar places to the stuff Kanye West has been saying.