Time is money. LITERALLY :D
Time is money. LITERALLY :D
swiping from the side of the screen to scroll through your apps reminds me of playing HL2 and trying to disable the HUD that you can just scroll through your weapons. They both have one thing in common. IT DOESN'T WORK. It works fine when your only have a few apps open. But when your a multi task monster, forget it.
I bet lots of time can be saved by using 6 cameras to scan all the sides at once. Then its just a matter of juicing that arm up with some more electricity. They will get it down to about 4 seconds. :D
Jeez. Since the story has lost much intrest from shallow minded americans that tune into CNN for every natural disaster, it seems like people think this whole earthquake thing is all over...its not! :/
planes are designed to take a bolt from lightning. Idk what your pmsing about.
one time use brass knuckles. :D
does it conduct the capacitive touch screen? because you can't use the thing at all while your using it.
hahah. that was the first thing that came to mind when i read this. I like that movie. Even though IMBD says its shit. But the glaring set production problems like stair cases in a vessle that looked like it was 15 feet wide ruined it for me on the 3rd pass. :D
haha. :D its great to hear about a civilian putting his foot up big fish's asses. :D
Too bad the guy that discovered the gas powered engine died the day before doing so. Electric cars may have sucked more back then, but if we delt with them, they would be so much better today. :/
Gizmodo is a bunch of hipsters.
thanks...now every time I crack open a monster can I have to peer inside to see if I see a mouse or not. >.>
when many of us are stuck with 2gigs for dropbox, this is not a bad extension for things you would prefer to be kept safe. :)
honestly not a bad idea. when you went into the mission and the risk of getting caught was grave, sticking one of these up your ass would probably save your life. If your hands were tied behind your back, you could shit this out and cut the ropes. James Bond shit. :)
Two hands does more than a million hands collapsed in prayer. Glad to see someone do more to help Japan instead of muttering nonsense. :)
Why does that sound so familiar. Oh yea cause I heard it before. >.> Use your common sense. A water balloon doesn't make a fucking anti-missile sound no matter how you pop it. >.>
I thought hacking was proven to be legal. Where are these law suits coming from then??
I would never trust that machine. The rotation sensor that controls depth will break eventually and plummet the thing into my vein. 0.0
why can't they just tack on a charge for the top 5% of data users? They pay 20$ extra to be in the top 5%. I don't want to go to a pay per byte sort of thing. It just screams absurd charges in my head. :/ Like the shit that happens with teens that txt too much. I might be streaming a movie thinking its going through…