they made a toy of toys. omg. i just saw inception. I DON"T NEED ANY MORE FUCKING CONFUSION IN MY LIFE.
they made a toy of toys. omg. i just saw inception. I DON"T NEED ANY MORE FUCKING CONFUSION IN MY LIFE.
like Jesus would say, your an assclown. :D
@Orionsaint: next thing you know, all our hard work will be wasted when we decide to blow a nuke up in outer space. :D MW2 style :D
im waiting for the day when the technology exists that this photo will be taken with a single shot on an ultra slim camera.
HAHHA that reminds me of when my mom put a fuckin carpet into our brand new whirlpool cabrio top loading washer...when the spin cycle kicked in...the thing pretty much self destructed on a much minor scale as seen in the video. But it cracked the water tub and broke some other also banged our laundry sink…
that things got a beat. :D
i call BULLSHIT on what he does. such a waste of money for a car you only drive when the weather is perfect...aka never for the paranoid freaks...
thats soo cute! omg i want one :D
can someone just give me a rundown of what 2.2 holds in store? My sister has the phone and is curious. :D
haha thats awesome. :D
smart design. :D
@phunnyballs: i see. that makes sense.
oh what the future will hold. everything will be in a giant cloud. and everyone will have tablets to access it.
no hdmi? whats the big deal? someone explain to me why thats a big deal. thing has no sound built in. DVI-D is just fine.
what is this exactly? A phone or just a mini tablet?
are all the wheels strait or do the outside ones curve out? im confused by that.
@branchan: thats a diffrent phone. even though its a 3gs.
"the availability of the more popular black iphone will not be effected"
i get 3mbs down. looks like i don't have broadband anymore...stupid deffinitions :D
ugh i dont get this bought a laptop. its not a fuckin mach desktop. you can get the power of the desktop. but not the other stuff.