
there will always be OSes that will be grandfathered. I work at a computer store and this one person walked in with a computer with a bad hard drive. He also said he needed DOS 6.?? installed on it. Yea...we dug up an old 2 gig hard drive that still works and installed DOS for him. He uses the computer for graphic

then suddenly, half the people in this world buy a metal detector and start looking in their backyards...bunch of idiots.

im going to guess this trend is going to happen with all libraries.

what do you put in these things? tobacco? marijuana?

this is bullshit. 30 songs? CMON. Some sense needs to be knocked into these monkeys. you will never stop media sharing. EVER. even if you got rid of the internet. People would still sell CDs even if they had a way to prevent cds being shared, people would get around it. so stop trying. Just make it a 1000$ slap on the

@khdownes: all that guy grabbed was account info. what your saying is very true, i read about that on ars technica a few weeks back, but is unrelated to the accounts getting taken.

@TheAshe: hell with them. thats what i did :D

even if they got my credentials, whats that going to do? Prove that I use bittorrent? ok...prove i download illegal shit...CANT

@gophur: true handling :D


why would they do this? What do they get out of this? Someone explain to me how this is helping their company. Its great that their doing this, but I don't see their end of things.

Smart Advertising :D shows they know what there doing inside of these things.

at&t cant handle their network load. :/

@XenTai: My point is other companies are always playing the catchup game with apple. Companies like LG and Samsoung didn't make tablets because Archos made one. They made one because apple made one. Apple made the all touchscreen phone popular, then everyone copies them.

@XenTai: it was not very well known though. Small companies don't count. But its makes a tablet, then a whole bunch of the big names make their own tablets.

easy solution. i just hope thats finger print scanner is not the shitty ones that can be tricked with a simple ink print of someones finger. (i saw one on mythbusters, it was pretty frightening) If someone was cut throat enough, they could get a finger print off of someone then use it to do who knows what for whatever

I think what im really looking for is a tablet that i can dual boot android and windows ce (if its as good as they say it is) or a full version of windows 7. that would be perfect :D idk maybe even run them in paralell

I'm pretty sick how apple always leads the cmon. these other companies never like to take the plunge. they always make there own versions of whats good.

I walked into an apple store in chicago yesterday. I got a hold of the new iphone and tried holding it in that wrong way. The cellular bar went from 5 to 3 bars and the 3g bar went from 3 to 2 bars. Yea...there's a problem.

I still find it hilarious when i travel from Illinois to Wisconsin and i find all these firework stores lined up on the boarder. :D