Somebody you dont Know

Utterly exhausting. Of course it is my fault for spending even 10 mins skimming this story & comments, but who are the people who have hours a day free to create this drama in the first place? The mind boggles.

I get it but if she is professional and does this regularly which seems like she does, then where am I to argue it. I would understand if she advocated people to do what she did or was put on camera saying this to kids but I have watched some stuff in her past where I thought I remembered her saying she is different

Kinja is being a piece of shit again today, so for people in the greys who earnestly think Instagram-beekeeping fluff is going to lead to scads of ignorant people rushing out to acquire a hive and end up hurting bees: haha, no. Check out the cost of starting up as a beekeeper. Bees alone will cost you a couple hundred

Okay, I’ll bite: how are prettied-up Instagram photos of her beekeeping going to hurt the bee population?

Liking and commenting just to bump this up.

Given that the complainer is now doing the very expected and tedious “lol I’m tired of talking about this w/e let’s move on” thing in response to people asking for the receipts, looks like this was somebody shitposting for clicks and lulz. Sorry for the Texas Bee Lady that she had to be the main character in

I do not get the ire for Erika Thompson. In my experience, almost every beekeeper has a different level of what they’re comfortable with, and some of them go into a hive with very little protection. As for the Trump-supporter claim, I’ve never seen/heard anything corroborating that, and her account shows her donating

I genuinely don’t have a bee in this fight, other than having wasted a solid hour following all the drama earlier today, but a lot of the complaints seem really weak. In the replies to the tweet quoted in this article, people have posted screen caps of the Texas bee lady 1) using power tools and 2) wearing protective

So you’re saying that all the writers here implicitly condone necrophilia, the favorite pastime of noted necrophiliac Jim Spanfeller?

Good advice but keep in mind this was written by a person who works for Jim Spanfeller.

I was able to spend 5 quality minutes on the Wicked Weasel website before my wife walked in and started screaming. I highly recommend it.


I think the most disgusting thing about this whole mess is the fact that Amazon is still showing ads during her broadcast and taking all of the money. They didn’t shut off her ads. If they did that, this would be a lot less controversial. But as is, they’re literally stealing the money she’s raising.

It was bought by Amazon in 2014. It’s been a soulless corporate abomination for the last seven years...

I’d enjoy this clip even more if I was able to forget the time I drove into my garage with my bicycle on my roof rack.

I would argue that it DOES work as advertised. If the driver is doing what Tesla says is their responsibility, like staying in the seat with your seatbelt on, watching the road, and keeping your hands on the wheel, it works as intended.

Now playing

The first-gen Taurus had possibly the most exuberant TV commercial I’ve ever seen:

I love the irony of this behemoth being branded “featherlite.” It’s like Lotus changing its name to “heavyweight sports cars.

Unlike electricity, which is produced via power plants powered by fossil fuels?

Obligatory fuck Harmony Gold. Over twenty years on, and I’m still salty about Macross VF-X 2’s release being canned in the States. And the amazing looking AM-2 game never even being given a chance.