
Wonder what it costs to power that puppy. Might want to invest in the local power company.

Anyone else's folks still use really outdated forms of internet service? My folks still think that 256 kbps DSL is blistering. Compared to dial up, sure, but I can't forward videos to them because they don't want to wait 30 minutes to watch a 5 minute clip.

Careful not to get those crabs on your banana!

I live in a rural Kentucky area, probably somewhere around 1-3 on that chart. I will say that I stargaze a lot more here than living in a Denver area suburb. That suburb was very close to Denver, where all you can see is a giant blue Qwest logo in the sky.

The one's that annoy me the most are when they switch out of surround sound into stereo and the output is getting split between only 2 speakers. They'll jump you out of the sofa.

Many a game controller has hit my wall with a flurry of expletives, and the occasional mouse may get thrown. I've yet to toss my phone or iPod though, they're too expensive to me to replace for something silly.

@ohnoesaz: I feel the same way. If I'm at home and have either my PS3, 360, or PC available, I'll be playing something on them. iPhone is fun for little games like Bejeweled, Peggle, and Angry Birds when I'm waiting on something like a doctors appointment or train. Yea, they're getting slammed. Anyone tried mobileterminal yet? Having some trouble getting it to start on mine.

Cydia's completely slammed at the moment. You'll be refreshing a lot to download anything.