
Moldy grapes are better than rotten apples! Fight me!

By the way, to clarify, Jeffrey Tambor might very well be guilty of what he is being accused of. I don’t know. But he deservesby the way, to clarify, Jeffrey Tambor might very well be guilty of what he is being accused of. I don’t know. But he deserves a presumption of innocence in the press. As everyone does.

Jeffrey Tambor ALLEGEDLY harassed people on the set of transparent.

Lol, so basically you are feeling kind of indignant about that one small sentence?

Lol you mean the “lets not make it easy to kill people” brand? If that’s unsavory to you then maybe you should learn to remove human flesh from your diet.

Actually, I just read that Zephyr Teachout is Nixon’s campaign treasurer, which made me feel better about Nixon’s run if she’s already aligning herself with smart people like that.

Ughhhhhhhh everyone forgets how to read when they’re angry and upset. This article honestly was negligent reporting, not even the minimum of details, no wonder everyone is extrapolating nonsense I guess? Ugh. Just ugh.

Wow, what a disingenuous corporate shill you are. Your article was little more more than a sad attempt to sound as hip-with-it and relatable as possible (“I hate advertising AND misogyny, amirite guise?”) while peddling the same trash advertising this place always does... Then someone calls you out and yow feewings

Can’t mea culpa off a weak excuse mate. Be real by being real. Just come out and say he was right and you got pissy about the curtain getting yanked back.


This is not your personal tumblr horror blog, either do not engage with obvious ad hominem bait, or act like a god damn professional when you chose to respond.

That’s pretty unacceptable, dude.

Wow, great argument there. Fucking hack scum.

Fuck YOU, dude. Maybe write up a top 10 list of the best Kinja deals this past week, seems like a good fit for the site.


You used words that fit a rhythm of information you learned in college.

You didn’t use them because they made any contextual sense, or represented anything about the reality of this journalistic apparatus.

And you don’t even have the courtesy to feign self-awareness when someone reintroduces journalistic ideals

Oh hai. Hey there, Jack, News Editor at Splinter. I am Dinos and Nachos, Immigration Lawyer.

Yeah, it’s almost like it was unfinished and they wanted feedback to improve it. Crazy.

You’re going to be hoping for a long time.

Wow, what an unfortunate name for a video game.