Moronic top post.
Moronic top post.
haha, stock Trump supporter response. Total intellectual bankruptcy.
Fuck off nazi apologist.
Normally I would agree. But we live in abnormal times.
Yo apropos of nothing I love your dad on the FP ER Podcast and it’s so nice to hear him mention you and your work and hear how proud of you he is.
Try not to cut yourself on all that edge.
I vote in every election, regularly volunteer/work on campaigns, and keep myself well informed on candidates at every level and their positions/platforms. Not a miracle worker, just an engaged citizen.
That doesn’t absolve you of your civic responsibility, it compounds it.
I’m talking about by % of registered democrat, not just whatever you feel is true.
You mean the capitol? DC is the most liberal city in the country.
You are wrong
Electionland is a campaign term used by professionals working in campaigns. They’re just talking a little inside baseball and you’re taking it really weird tbh.
Conservatives don’t want it half-way, they want it their way or they want to shut it down by any means necessary, and their way also just happens to involve taking people’s rights away, creating faith-based laws about what people can do with their bodies, and economic theory based on total corporate protectionism.
You are whoa stupid.
Is your dad the editor of FP?
Wait, this is a paid update? I was under the impression the 10 streetpass limit was a technical limitation or a gameplay balance consideration, not completely and totally fucking arbitrary.
There are, believe it or not, ways to get that kind of meeting without money. Crazy I know.
Shut up.
This is the most Ohioan thing ever.