It’s amazing how commentators here hate every comedian. It’s like you hate humor.
It’s amazing how commentators here hate every comedian. It’s like you hate humor.
A sports blog telling me it’s ok not to read books. Finally, I can breathe.
I may be wrong, but isn’t the Japanese for “Korrin” just “Colin”?
This is so much out of touch with the reality on the ground it’s insulting.
If you are going to choose a headline plucked from the mind of the lowest-common denominator of a community built on the free exchange of ideas, you’re not doing yourself a service as a journalist and you’re not doing your readers a service by presenting an honest and complete story.
YES. I was at a friend of a friend’s house “right on the border” of the district and got scolded for talking about weed in their house, because the kids might be home at any second.
This review smacks of confirmation bias, and using the word “distasteful” in any review is editorial sin one.
This article is required reading in the school of mattress dragging feminism.
This _____ is a physical metaphor for the difference between our hopes for the future and the reality of that future.
I bet that really, actually happened.
Holy cow. The tone deafness of this post, the angle from which it's approached and the lack of respect it belies for its readers and subjects makes me think you should drop everything right now, walk out the door and head directly to the offices of Fox News to claim your birthright.
Forgive my ignorance, but could one not just open up the barracuda, spill it's stomach and serve up some ceviche?
Quintessential jez comment.
no. this is a a blogger without ethics who intimates wrong doing without evidence attacking one of the most reputable journalistic outlets in the country, and you incredibly stupid women unwilling to see past your own sense of being perpetually wounded by society.
To be sure, this is a misstep for them, but in a larger context, On The Media provides more insightful, thought provoking commentary on the media ecosystem every week than you have in your entire career. They abide by some of the highest ideals and standards in journalism, the TLDR segment has just gone through an…
Arg I left my punctuation at home
a male editor.
nice of you to report on the claims that don't hold up.
you suck.