
Because those Germans opened the Ark?

Alumschlager, you mean?

You might be thinking of r/carbage (cars filled with garbage)

However, she’s 100% for cozying up to older barristers in order to get your hands on stolen loot.

I just always think of Sextina Aquafina from BoJack.

oh this could have been the funniest saddest trip through foreign built GM cars ever.

You and those who replied all made valid points to some degree at least, but can we simplify and just say that weddings suck? Like, the whole ordeal, the invites and the drama and the RSVP and the choosing your food and the gift and the wearing of special clothing and the being there all day with the church and the

I used to own Cannonball Run 2, but then I used the VHS to film people having sex. Because I’m a pervert.

This is why I only own two movies: Cannonball Run 2, and The Making-Of Cannonball Run 2. 

James Franco is no Tatiana Maslany.

i smoke a lot of grass... and that, is not how you smoke pot. it’s not a cigar, you’re supposed to inhale! (deeply!)

Maybe we can set you up with Tab?

Building drastically lighter cars is the reality of the upcoming 54.5 mpg requirement. The cars that everyone buys will be legislated away.

I dunno, this sounds like a fluke.

Florida man, Florida man
Doing the things a Floridian can
What’s he like? It’s not important
Florida man

The next time you need shade during a ride, just read these replies again. They are SPF-100.

I’m afraid I ban’t pronounce the letter B. It’s all due to a trauma I suffered at Bolumbia University. I went to Boney Island for the weekend and I was attacked by a Siamese Bat!

I know there are still many fans of Trump out there. I have just one bit of perspective: Michael Cohen, his long-time personal attorney.

Now playing

Let’s be honest, the only real answer is Dijon-Prenois.

“Could you two deus ex machina this shitshow?”