
Bwahaha! Omg! I'm the girl they sent home hehe. I love the raccoon. And the farting. What can I say? I have a 12 yr old's sense of humor ;)

Thanks for your response. I watched closely & see it differently. The Financial Advisor looked caught & freaked out at the casino with Box. They caught his fight with Andrea, the loads of phone calls, his pursual of her (and her fear), and his disposal of a bag of trash (bloody clothing? Knife?) all on video during


YES! Thank you. It was very obvious. I think some people fell asleep during the show…

I'm curious as to why some folks are saying we don't know who the killer is - the Financial planner dude killed Andrea. They showed their disagreement on video, her fear at his pursuit of her, the fact that he has stolen $$$ from her account & had a gambling problem, his disposal of a trash bag full of items around

This reviewer definitely overthought it. To me, this was a show I would have binged on (had it been available for binging). It wasn't perfect, but I was dying to know what would happen next.

I believe Freddy actually cared about Naz. And it was mutual. I kept waiting for Freddy to do something terrible at the end though. Relieved he didn't.

You're correct! I forgot about that. Glad you brought it up.

What?!? I didn't know that :o

Agree re that one cat's face! Now I want to YouTube the original commercial to check (but those commercials suck the life outta me.)

Agree. The acting was impressive. The storyline kept my interest. I've been obesssed with The Night Of all summer. No regrets here.

I kept waiting for a terrible twist - and it didn't come. They played eerie music while Naz was processing out of Riker's. It added to the oh-shit-he's-about-to-get-shanked! mood.

Agree - great acting. All around really. I don't think there was a weak link.

Creepiest judge ever! He also appeared in Boardwalk Empire.

Hmm…it may have been. The video showed him pursuing her on foot, but we know she spent a few hours with Naz before she was murdered. Although didn't the video near his home show the Financial dude exiting a car? They showed him disposing of a trash bag full of probable evidence several hours later.

I haven't read the review or comments yet. I thought the very end with "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" playing, Stone staring at the homeless animal commercial & then kitty sauntering into the living room was great. I got a bit verklempt.

No, excess would drip off their body or clothing. Anything that wasn't cleaned off would dry on their body.

Me too! The show shouldn't be making these type of errors.

Whoops! I didn't see this post & just asked if you meant disease? I apologize. Your English is excellent, btw.

Sorry, but you had me so puzzled. I think you're looking for disease.