
This is where the source material messes with one's enjoyment of the show. I've kinda done that with GoT & TWD a couple times. I decided it feels much better to let go of that control ("it's supposed to be THIS way!") and enjoy them as separate, but related, experiences. I know it's really difficult to do if you're

Persia, isn't his accent supposed to be Irish? I haven't read the comics. The actor is from Ireland…so I'm befuddled. Here I come Google.

I've been loving the slow reveals & uncertainty. I'm definitely in the minority. I've found each episode very interesting. No boredom.


Funny - Tulip & Cassidy are my favorites. I think Negga & Gilgun are perfect. Different strokes.

Yes, I agree. And that goes for the author of these recaps, Zack Handlen, because Zack you are setting the negative tone. I understand you read the graphic novels, but I think it's been a disservice to your recapping the show. Each week you incessantly fret - "the newbies aren't going to understand it, etc" - newbie

Quincannon. Odin Quincannon.

You're not the only sicko. I had no problem watching Joffrey die (I've heard Jack Gleeson is a wonderful guy who just happened to play a sniveling cowardly villain very well.)

Exactly! V frustrating. Even a tree trunk & some type of shield that he honed down himself. I imagine a sword or bow would be difficult to make for him unless he had the skill to create it himself.

Well, she did say I'm Arya Stark of Winterfell, and I'm going home.

And a new Red Priestess came to visit Tyrion & Varys a couple episodes back (and freaked Varys out with the details she knew), and they also showed another Red Priestess preaching to the crowds of Mereen in Episode 8 when Tyrion said goodbye to Varys near the docks.

I think Dorian is the Devil.

GMP still has erectile dysfunction. The exercise don't help that. Neither do his potions :)
And older Melisandre just confirmed to me via email that she'd never touch him - not even when he was young. Sorry, boo.

Respect, proper burial, plus Davos is no dummy. He's seen some shit. Melisandre is there; Ghost is there. Maybe Davos believes the death "situation" can be reversed.

I thought about that too. You never know..

Drogon to the rescue.

Agree. I felt nothing for Ramsay or his dead girlfriend. His final line about feeding her to the dogs just proved why we shouldn't feel for him.

Incorrect - GMP would want to, but he'd be unable because of erectile dysfunction.

She was worried, very interested & asked Theon where they were after he admitted they were alive in Season 5. She was in Theon/Reek's face demanding their whereabouts - he finally said he didn't know, couldn't find them & killed/burned two farmer's children.

Isn't Tara on a run with Heath? I think Aaron is in Alexandria.