Another damn kinja account

there were gossips flying around she a good here comes fan fic...............................................

that is magnificent.

Fuck "dinner guest," I want her to live with me.

I want to have lunch with her, Judy Dench and Ian Mckellan.

Honestly, I think young Streep is actually prettier than young Lange, but that's just me.

That makes me a little sad. Everyone around these parts should know about that book.

+1 for the Alexandria Quartet!

"I like to think humans have more of a default setting of kindness than we give ourselves credit for."

This is totally true. Related to your comment, though not the story, I fell on ice while jogging Monday and was outside, alone, with no phone, in horrific pain. I shouted for help and a guy in a Comcast van down the street came running, the lady who owned the house I was next to came out and brought me a chair and a

I think there are a LOT of people like this guy. We just never hear about them unless something this big happens. But people reach out and help each other in so many different ways, every day.

Finally, some good news. Not too many people like this guy anymore. Or maybe all the bad shit just piles up. God knows we've had enough crap from people like George Zimmerman.

George Zimmerman is walking, breathing proof that you can get away with anything in this country, so long as you only aim your crimes at people with fewer socioeconomic privileges.

The thought of Cher tweeting away all day and night in her giant Malibu mansion delights me to no end. Her tweets are completely sincere, somewhat batty and almost always contain at least three !!! When I can't sleep at night, I'm comforted in the knowledge that somewhere, in a room covered in velvet and rococo

He coasted on his "aristocrats" filthiness for a while but this guy is such an unfunny hack. Commenting on "grandpa getting hit in the nuts" videos is the pinnacle of his career.

No, it isn't. They talk about sharts, about putting mayo in vaginas, and have vagina smelling contests. Nothing is beneath them.

Oh Sony, you racist rascal you...

Speaking of someone else who's about to get fired ... Maybe Amy Pascal and the cut-and-paster working the Globes' site can team up to form a kind of two-person Hollywood Noid that one can hire for industry sabotage.

This doesn't make me want to go shopping though. Like at all.

"I'm honestly not very astute with flowers and all the kinds of scents."

Fantasy Island was some dark shit. I used to wait impatiently through Love Boat every Saturday. It pisses me off that the millennials I work with (and even a couple of younger Gen-X'ers!) who are otherwise lovely young people, don't get my Fantasy Island references or my Herve Villechaize jokes.