Jesus, we can be so stupid as kids...I remember loving on the McD's, but as an adult there is NO WAY I would pick it over the 15$ gourmet burger place down the street. Those burgers are gold. And they don't turn my old lady stomach.
Jesus, we can be so stupid as kids...I remember loving on the McD's, but as an adult there is NO WAY I would pick it over the 15$ gourmet burger place down the street. Those burgers are gold. And they don't turn my old lady stomach.
I like Oingo Boingo, but Dead Man's Party makes me want to claw my eyes and ears out. Replace it with Alien Sex Fiend: Zombified
Loving this. I wrote a song once that started out being about quitting smoking but ended up about obsession...simple enough...but man did I have fun in the performance. I feel old...but not in a bad way. Thanks for this.
A fun way to creep people out is to put on Charles Manson's old folk songs and nonchalantly go, "Pretty song, huh?" and then someone goes, "Yeah, sure, I guess" and then you go, "DO YOU KNOW WHO'S SINGING?" Creeped me out when someone did it to me one time.
I'm a HUGE Siouxsie fan. Her voice is just so amazing, even after all these years.
Missed the biggest of them. Chelsea Clinton would not blame the media for the situation. Palins only ever blame the "liberal media" for everything.
Sometimes even just the appraising looks get to me. Men looking you up and down deciding whether they would fuck you, their eyes crawling all over your body uninvited. I'm not talking about a quick check-out, I'm talking about the ones who feel entitled to stare openly, and there are many. There are some days I wish I…
I can claim no understanding of how my gender thinks this to be appropriate.
I ran into an ex 15 years after the fact. He had dumped me badly and I hadn't seen him since. When I ran into him, he had been unceremoniously dumped by the girl he had dumped me for. He had also gained 40 pounds. It was pretty much the perfect time to run into him, IMO.
And of course the classic, "I am not a perfect person."
That's what happens when you encourage mimes, France. Everyone knows mimes are gateway entertainers.
Chris Brown's would include squares for "I'm Not God," "Jesus knows my sins" and "I'm God"
Ahem. "FEMALES." I love FEMALES.
Even if I had a hair style that required that much upkeep, I can't imagine the life situation that would allow me to entertain this routine, financially or time-wise.
Good one! Everything is about their "journey."
Darn right about the "God" thing. No delusions of persecution would be complete without invocation of the deity.
How should the bingo square be labeled? "Because God" or maybe "My cross to bear"?
You missed the biggest one: "This is, in some ways, the best thing that has ever happened to me." Why? Because all self-pitying creeps will strive to turn negative consequences for their actions into "a wakeup call/opportunity to learn about myself or others." This is how creeps manage to suffer consequences while not…
Because of space concerns, let's just replace the 1000 words square with "vengeful ex."
Don't forget War Machine. Or is he on the Abuse Justification bingo card?