
This film goes to show, that you can get a movie about paint drying into Sundance, if it’s an established actor’s directorial debut.  

*shrug* The guitar company did warn her it was a solidly built piece of kit. That said, at $85 a pop, a practice round or two couldn’t have hurt.

Yeah getting upset about something as played out as a guitar smashing is pretty wack, but it’s not nearly as wack as staging a fake guitar smashing with the guitar company’s blessing.

Lots of things about Phoebe are half baked. She has a gorgeous voice and she seems like she wants to commit to songcraft, but then she doesn’t self-edit and undercuts everything with juvenile nonsense. I think she has found a larger audience than anticipated and she hasn’t realized that she has eyes on her from

Cue some older Gen X-ers, boomers, and gearheads on Twitter...

Gen Xer here. To be honest I was put off by the fact that the whole thing seemed so staged and phony (and those tweets proved it definitely was). When Trent Reznor or Kurt Cobain smashed a guitar or a synthesizer, you could tell it was motivated by genuine emotion.

It feels like they start with the premise that SNL completely sucks, then point out the parts where it didn’t totally suck.

It was just there and kind of silly and thus refreshing. It’s good to see the show no longer feeling weighted down by political sketches and just having fun. In fact, I’ve enjoyed both episodes this year as they feel looser and more fun

I want to like Phoebe Bridgers but she embodies the worst of current indie/folk pop: it’s all pretty sonic backdrops with very little in the way of melody in the songwriting. Her strongest tune is “Kyoto” but nothing else I’ve heard has a strong melody. 

in this case!

-I liked the opening skit and it was nice to return to a time when opening skits could be about things that aren’t political. I just saw the skit as goofing on super bowl commercials and the vague liberal, corporate platitudes behind many of them

It is a ban. It draws parallel to “don’t put certain books in local library” because for whatever reason it’s problematic. It’s not yet “burn the comic books because of it’s immoral” like in the 50s, but do you really want we go back like that? Censoring everything from public view because it deemed problematic now?

As a gen Xer, I hate that 80s nostalgia, my other Xer “friends” worship “top gun” and still listen to 80s rock 24/7. YUCK!

I’m forever surprised that we think Grease is wholesome family fun. That is mostly driven by the PG rating which would definitely be PG-13 if that rating had existed. I should not have been singing along to Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee at 7.

All of that and as a lyric it’s there to pair off of “was it love at first sight?” The whole concept of the song is that neither side is getting an impartial story, but both are talking through their own coded gender norms, the girls overly mushy, the boys overly raunchy, but they’re both asking the same things.

The whole point of the musical/movie was that that 1950s sexual mores were problematic. The 1970s may not have been as woke as today, but they were far, far, more advanced than the 1950s. It was kind of like how Mad Men tackled the supposedly progressive 1960s.

Yes, there were “problematic” debates for years about Grease, especially about why Sandy had to change her style to get Danny back. The first time I ever watched the movie, I was unhappy with the scene where one of the T-Birds lifts up Patty’s skirt and humiliates her in front of everyone at the prom, leading her to

Maybe it needs a warning?

Oh, most of these examples were issues that were talked about when it came out. This perspective is NOT one that you can dismiss as modern “wokeness.” Even Mad Magazine’s parody (March 1979 issue) explicitly called them out and it was directed at possibly the most immature, dismissive of women’s and consent issues

Well, after all, IT IS the word.