
I had a very angry “conversation” with a co-worker once (he kept trying to make it a debate, and I was just very uncomfortable) who insisted that fat people do not deserve nice clothes, and that it diluted a brand to expand the size range to include anything above straight sizes.

wtf? She was so cool and measured. Every time Sessions angrily squeaked a hundred synonyms for “no comment” she just gave him a look and continued. She was so cool! She did not raise her voice; she gave tired smiles. She was so fucking professional and precise. The jabbering Republicans with their bullshit “run out

I just watched a Netflix documentary about this, so obviously I’m an expert, but the short answer is No. The long answer is Yes, you can wake up with your faculties intact, but you will have to relearn almost everything, if you have not acquired damage from whatever injuries put you in the coma in the first place.

I like Audrey. She was by every account a very nice lady, was a good mom, and played her typecast character well. She hid notes in her shoes as a child for the Resistance during the war. When she aged out of her ingenue character, she took her $$$, retired to the country and devoted herself to helping children around

I really liked it, too! I just had a really great time at the movies, and was really pleasantly surprised by how laugh-out-loud funny it was (maybe that was just Chris Pine being Chris Pine). For the 100485075th superhero movie, it somehow felt really fresh. But also very serious regarding the effects of war.

And as a

Those photos scream 1970s.

I think everyone should wear more clothes, especially at the beach because eww sand and uncomfortable sunburns, but holy shit. I don’t get to tell people what to wear and neither does this jerk mayor.

I think she had pretty restricted singing abilities for a while, but she’s back to being able to both “talk-sing” and sing a bit, though she very elegantly keeps well within her new range and isn’t trying to redo her old hits.

She knows her worth!

Hey, maybe don’t put in print that she’s a single woman living alone?!

Can someone please verify that the following story is real and not something I imagined reading: that while filming the Revenant, a chinook blew through the area they were filming and the locals convinced Leo that this had never happened before, and that he went on to keep talking about it as a Canadian climate horror

It’s disgusting how many cases in Canada involving both First Nations people and women are utter shitshows. Especially in cases relating to sexual assault. It’s a huge problem in our courts. From the show trials (Ghomeshi) to this case, it’s a constant, horrific disappointment.

The impact the arts had on interwar society was incredible—even thinking about, not even reading, the letters the soldiers would have sent this mask studio hurts. It meant so much to them to have their faces rebuilt with Ladd’s work. The masks are beautiful, but they’re a constant reminder of the original damage.

I know how cons work.

It looks like Kramer’s grip on his arms is the only thing keeping Jerry from floating awkwardly away.

I’m glad I’m not a celebrity; the constant enforced intimacy with strangers is just not my thing. I couldn’t do those photo sessions at cons where people want the actors to pose with them and hug them for photos.

That running gag in Office Space where 8 managers confront the dude about his one stupid, easily-fixed mistake is my life.

I was all primed to judge her hairdo. I wasn’t prepared for it to be literally a beehive.

I’ve never understood people who, whether they are pointing out a zit on your chin or reminding you that you were a weirdo in 6th grade, cannot fucking read the subtext in a panicked “It’s nothing!/Nope, can’t recall...” statement.

I feel you, dude.