Another Brad

This was great. Hilarious in fact. The part about the Packers fans' reactions had me in stitches. Keep it up.

That's a very nice picture at the top. I just looked at it instead of reading the article.

One of my favorite movies. Worth it for the end alone when Janet surprises them with the real estate scam, introduces Michael Caine as Chips O'Toole, and the long pause before he can think of what to say. Man, so great. Also "Oy mate! 'ho's the asshole?"

McCabe and Mrs. Miller is so awesome.

It was probably from staring at her ta-tas. It happens.

Good Lord.

You didn't notice her two big beautiful up-tops?

One of the best examples of irony ever.

I guess instead of waging a war he should've just blown up hundreds of civilians from the sky like President Droney. Then liberals would tolerate, even love him.

For what? Being defense secretary tasked with executing a war instigated by Congress?

Everyone who doesn't vote the way I do is evil and stupid, you guys.

It's not exactly explicit, but it's there if you're paying attention.

Man what a cool book. Would love to see it filmed.

Like he said, horrible.

Spoiler for that guy: That movie sucked bad.

God, what a dope.

I've never seen a single tweet from him that was funny.

"He is a victim-hero who can do evil, but remains morally unblemished because of his good intentions"

Why would the dude in the tower go to all the trouble of keeping him alive and protecting him, going so far as to kill 2 cops and an innocent imam's wife, but not let him leave? Made no sense.

We all are.