Anora Zbornak

since you’ve already, inexplicably, been ungreyed let me just say...

“Planned Parenthood, offering abortions to Trump mistresses for over 40 years”

So glad the health and welfare of literally millions of women is a fucking political game to you, Donny.

I don’t owe Conway jack shit. She chose who she wanted to become and who she is working for.

I’ll use her word: revulsion.

You are Kentucky’s future and good heart. Keep showing up. We’re coming for nazi McTurtle. He’s on the top of our list.

Guys, not being a giant shit-heel is hard. Like really hard. Let’s just settle in to being awful. Doing right by others is costing time and money. I mean once, I had to go to school with black people. Can you believe it?! They were black! I got into politics to make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else.

Income and racial inequalities affect learning and access to educational opportunities. So many of us know this and can see it in our classrooms.

I sometimes wish we could rename breasts “hangy fat sacks” or something, even just for a few years. Takes some of the 000ooOoOh sexxeeeee out of what are, essentially, udders.

This is a good point. I’d really like to see this discussion with young, up and coming actors without any clout or history. When is showing skin/breasts/butt empowering? When isn’t it?

Really? Then why do I get cat called in my sweats with no makeup? The issue you are speaking to is not about how women are dressed, it’s about how society more easily sees men as multi dimensional than women. Also, go look up the CK ad, it is not ambiguous. They are wearing fewer clothes and posing equally

I think that men can be perceived as “accidentally sexy” whereas a woman in sexy clothes is more clearly trying to be sexy. People see shirtless photos of Jim Morrison and many people will think he is sexy, but Jim could say, “this is just me being men, if you think I am sexy, that’s your thing.” A man in a suit and

You say your husband does not respect your lingerie. What does that mean? How does he not respect it?

The men from Moonlight recently did a shoot for Calvin Klein. They are all incredibly beautiful and the photos are fucking hot. They aren’t scrutinized for posing barely clothed. It’s bullshit that men can pose in clearly sexual campaigns and it’s just whatever, but women are forced to choose between making the

I think the bigger question is why so many female celebrities are asked to pose in various states of undress for magazines in the first place. Like, I doubt Emma Watson walked into this photo shoot and was like “please make sure my boobs are on display at some point, k? thx.” It seems to be almost accepted that, at

That is creepy as fuck.

lol the ironic part is that kids who are taught this stuff are going to have a much, much harder time in college classes (imagine trying to be a geology major after spending 12 years thinking the Earth was only 6000 years old), if they even make it in.

I now have a sudden need to train a classroom full of children to answer that same question with “GRAD SCHOOL AND HELL!”

On his way out, he also looked at one little girl, an African American with braided hair, and said: Oh that hair is beautiful. I love that hair, right? See, I’m totally not racist. I’m the least racist person you’d ever meet! Sit down! How dare you imply I’m racist, you lying child, he added.