Anora Zbornak

Sessions says they discussed a 1991 church trip he took to Russia and the status of Ukraine

Oh jesus, now I’m straight up picturing them at Loretta’s Beauty Parlor from Murder, She Wrote. It’s perfect.

My friend and I have long joked that if things don’t work out in our respective careers, we can always make an easy fortune by becoming right-wing pundits and preying on Republican voters, who are by far the easiest marks in the US.

As I understand the world as it is now in Trumpland:
1. If Trump and an additional Trump surrogate (Kellyanne, Sean, etc) says something definitive, we begin the countdown to the opposite happening within 24 hours;
2. Whatever Trump accuses others of doing means that he is actually doing it.

Ya I’m not buying this “aw shucks” routine denying that he lied knowingly; there needs to be an independent investigation on Russia and Trump, and also on his perjury here; he would have known about the Russian interference as a member of Congress before he spoke to this Kislyak dude, since they were briefed in

Maybe he thought the guy he was talking to wasn’t Russian but Transylvanian.

At least these people are stupid. Evil fucks but so, so stupid.

He is almost God’s perfect person


I would imagine, particularly if he had been abducted prior to being lynched, that there would be some kind of marks on him: defensive wounds, bruises, etc. I wonder if his time out in the elements makes that harder to determine, or if they’re just not saying anything about it. The notion that he wouldn’t have a mark

It’s writing like this that keeps me coming back to The Root. You guys are doing good work and this site has quickly become one of my go to’s.

I am rewatching JP so you just made me laugh.

When I confronted my now-ex about the affair he was having, his response was “Well, I told you you shouldn’t be with me.” (He’d started having weird crying jags, which I guess was the stress of his double life?) Anyway, fuck cheating cheaters and their bullshit.

I’m sure she’s just stringing him along to rub it in Angelina’s greasy, sallow face. That’s what I did with my ex: prove you’re the one they prefer at their core. And then leave both of them miserable.

Yep it sure can get complex when you can’t keep your dick in your pants.

Gabe Delahaye, formerly of one of my favorite sites Videogum, had this to say about the shitty Zach Braff movie, The Last Kiss, co-starred everyone’s favorite Oscar winning creep, Casey Affleck:

When someone does something fucked up and regularly uses the passive voice run, run for your fucking life. lol

Apparently to bone or not to bone is Sophie’s Choice to these guys.

You know what’s really starting to stick in my craw? The “you should be working instead of [protesting, criticizing politicians, going to town halls, marching, organizing]” argument.

It was not really about the fact that she is so comfortable in her position that she put her feet on the couch. It was that she did so with the heads of the HBCUs in the office. The likelihood she would have done so, with say, the Ivy presidents is pretty fucking low.