Anora Zbornak

It is an Aboriginal name from the Noongar people apparently. Means boomerang.

Fuck all the Kylies. Kylies are bitches

Well this seven sister grad referred to the idea of sleeping with Bannon in order to save America as equivalent to the first episode of Black Mirror, where the British PM has to literally fuck a pig.

OMG. Well, he’s one ugly motherfucker, inside and out. All of these are 100% accurate.

Bannon looks like cancer personified on that cover.

Getting the chorus going:

Kellyann Conjob needs to go away or be put away.


The women are starting to do all the heavy lifting here.

Dios, I was joking. Of course I know reptilians do not exist (they exist).

Agreed. And he seems like one of those nice guys who’s surprisingly totally nasty in the sack. Just a theory.

Weird coincidence bc I’m pretty sure that’s Mike Pence’s Grindr handle...

Absolutely! That’s why these miserable, fat, pear-shaped bigots are 100% entitled to have a hot twentysomething pornstar supermodel for a wife. The world wants them, the world owes them.

How do they feel knowing that 1 in 4 women in their society (the number who will have had abortions in their lifetime in the USA) have been part of a murder in their eyes? It must make living in the States super challenging.

Pardon me, but when the fuck did my body become the Government’s property?

I think that’s why. He can never get laid, so he introduces bills to fucking punish us for it.

Schrodinger’s embryo

I also think the best way to fight dogma and oppression is for more women to become gynecologists and control the reproductive medicine field and ban religion in hospitals as it is inhumane, pervasive and a crime to deny any medical help to any human based on religious bigotry and false scientific facts. Males for too

Lemme break it down for you: If the baby comes out, it’s a baby. If it is still inside, it’s a fetus.

A heartbeat does not determine when life begins. It’s just some sentimental nonsense the anti-choice crowd made up.