Anora Zbornak

What I hate the most here is the rhetoric- describing it like it’s a novel or screenplay, something almost romantic. “As the sun sets..” that’s fucked up.

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Awesome story. I’m hoping my daughters will embrace my love of motorcycles. So far, so good.

Hey James Comey:

This is the only time that anyone should quote an Adam Sandler movie.

As the French say, “Comey ci, Comey ça”

Why is anyone surprised to encounter a turd in the toilet?

I love Hillary but holy hot hell in a handbasket god dammit this woman makes me wanna celebrate in a way that Hillary never did. There’s just something so fucking funky and spunky about her is makes me want to curl up in a ball and watch fireworks on July 4th. She is down to earth human goodness and if I wasn’t

My personal theory about the babies is that they want to keep people at starvation level, afraid to change jobs, desperate to survive. My husband’s is that the right wants to keep wages at rock bottom (virtually slave labor) in the future by having WAY too many people vying for the same jobs. Either one is pretty

They do not give any fucks, they have premium government sponsored health insurance for life. They’re good, everyone else can drop dead.

Don’t the senators and shit have health care through their jobs? This actually doesn’t affect them, so therefore they have no problem giving the double bird.

It’s easy to be so desensitized to the plight of the average person that you’re perfectly willing to remove any protections or safety nets those people may have in exchange for currency. I’ll teach you how, in just a few simple steps!

“Republicans lack basic humanity”

Republican birth control = “Keep your panties on, you fucking slut.”

The health insurance industry has a very effective plan in place to deal with this issue. Their plan is simple - everyone gets health insurance when they’re healthy. The minute they become unhealthy for anything except an extremely temporary thing, like say a broken arm or whatever, they kick them off insurance.

That was the GOP’s real complaint about “death panels”.

Honestly I would start saving. Republicans have always had this weird baby fetish. They want everyone to always have babies with no real way to get rid of em.

But they won’t, because they’re totally fine with their OWN government-subsidized healthcare. The poors just aren’t allowed to enjoy the same benefit. Because bootstraps.

What’s up with all of the middle of the night shenanigans?!