No one should kid themselves into thinking that the people who run and work these places care if the inmates get better.
No one should kid themselves into thinking that the people who run and work these places care if the inmates get better.
I wonder if the judge gave his growing erection any attention while listening to all of the testimony
How about we let the MRAs handle that for once, calling for action and backing up another guy the way women back up each other in these cases...Oh? They don’t do that? They just troll comment sections on blogs crying, “but not the majority of men..” and so forth, then send another vile email to some bitch who has the…
White Maleness is a disease for which there is apparently no cure.
“Everyone is more concerned with these young sociopaths than the victim of their violence.”
It probably would have happened to anybody........IT PROBABLY WOULD HAVE HAPPENED TO ANYBODY?!?!?
A white person sexually assaulting a black person? Checks out. Move along. Lucky it wasn’t the other way around, or else the death penalty might have been on the table.
Also I am real f*cking tired of the narrative that we shouldn’t have stigmas follow the perpetrators for the rest of their life. F*ck that noise
Anecdotal experience is superior to a complete lack of experience.
Only if you guys have to pay for your Viagra, which is a lot less necessary than birth control pills. Some women need it to control reproductive disorders, you know.
That’s how they get away with their aim of stopping abortion with the reasonably sounding “other providers” line. Unsuspecting and uninformed people think PP supporters want an abortion a month for every woman. Every girl I knew in undergrad went to PP for birth control. PP provides health care to millions.
What data? You haven’t offered anything but your opinion.
I live in Texas. You are commenting on something that you know very little about. That’s typically not a cool idea. Planned Parenthood typically allows walk-ins for most services (in all of the cities I’ve lived in, that’s the case), AND a lot of are open on Saturdays. You trying working the lowest of the low income…
They don’t want women to be able to put off pregnancy; it’s easier to control us and keep us dependent on men when we’re constantly pregnant.
Sure if you forget Austin and San Antonio it’s only Houston.
scifi creation God overrides real human woman
Exactly. Ensuring women have access to contraceptives prevents unwanted pregnancies, ergo, fewer abortions. It also means women can put off having children until they’re ready. But they don’t care about that. They want to punish women for having sex.
IMO, it’s about control. The ability to control our own bodies allows us our freedoms.
Because poor women make lawmakers feel better about themselves. Lawmakers can look at poor women and blame all negative circumstances and outcomes on those women and not the system that failed. Lawmakers get to pat themselves on the back for doing nothing to help.
This is another logical happening for the shitstorm hot mess of 2016. I’m thinking next they’ll outlaw tampons because, you know, artificial non Jesus sponsored penetration in god’s righteous baby hole.