
No oils with latex.

Man, the kid thing is hard. My boyfriend looks at babies and wants one, I look at babies and imagine them as disrespectful, angry teenagers. I’ve never been drawn to having children, but I am open to changing my mind on that...but it feels like a huge change that would be scary to admit to. I feel like my brain is to

Sure, I can see why they can be annoying when used inconsiderately, but that’s phones in general. I don’t use mine on crowded streets and having one at a private event like a wedding isn’t interfering with other people getting to work, etc. I also really like mine because it means I don’t have to ask someone else to

Yeah, I own a selfie stick and don’t understand the hate. They are tripods for your phone. I use mine to take pictures with friends and also get things in the background/have a nice angle to the picture. It could be fun to have people use them at a wedding!

Waaaat I’m working on my PhD in urban planning. I don’t want to teach. Good to see someone practicing with a similar degree! I have no advice because I’m a student, but good luck!

Yep, I was out there in FL! Nice to hear about the other locations!

PP in my area sent out an email asking for volunteers for a counter demonstration against a national day of antichoice protests. I went and got called a murderer or whatever for a few hours to start my Saturday. Not a ton of fun, but I do think we bore the brunt of the ire instead of the patients. I was one of the few

Word. I went off the pill for about six months and had a condom break so I freaked out and went back on it this month. I won’t be starting my next pack.

It helps that I never really liked meat all that much. The meat I “miss” occasionally is the weirdest meat, like fast food chicken nuggets. It’s interesting that one of your favorite foods has lost all appeal though.

Yeah, meat doesn’t appeal to me drunk or sober anymore. When I’m drunk, it’s FRIES OR GTFO.

Whoa whoa whoa were you in Village of the Arts? Do you still have stuff in a gallery somewhere?

Yep, the shot/spray isn’t effective for two weeks.

Big pharma is anti-elderberry!

I think they now put fine print on the bottom of mascara ads that says something about enhanced lashes.

Is it bad that I kind of want this in every color to cover all my business casual needs for the next ten years or so?

Yep, secular humanism is my “belief system” or ethical orientation or whatever, and feminism is...another thing I believe in, specific to gender. Secular humanism is a broader umbrella! You could probably somehow be both a secular humanist and an MRA.

HLN is the channel where you get to watch Nancy Grace yell all the time.

I don’t ALWAYS get drunk depressed from one glass of wine, but sometimes I do. It is nice to know I am not alone.

That’s what I do (electric razor). It sucks and I feel like some kind of skin freak because my skin is so sensitive. A dermatologist once said to use neosporin. Lololol that did not work. I live in Florida. It’s hot. I have to shave my bikini line to wear certain shorts. :(

Lies! Tend Skin works for me...but I only use an electric razor. Even with the electric though, I usually get bumps. Tend Skin works better than other stuff.