
Not Alton Towers. That was in the USA.

I was looking today for spermicidal lube to see if I could just get some to try and see if I have a bad reaction. I would consider trying one of these but would like to avoid the hassle of getting the RX if I can’t do the spermicide!

Oh! Right. I think it all depends on your insurance then. I think I even have a copay for my annual appointment, actually. I’m on student insurance though so things are kind of weird; it might be no copay if I go to the student heath center, which I did, but now I’m not in my university town so I think every visit

That’s disgusting and I don’t understand it at all. I would be livid.

I wonder if a different spermicide would be better. It sounds like this one has a special spermicide which might work better with your body.

That is exactly how I felt. I remember feeling very empowered when I first started the pill, but I think taking back my natural cycles made me feel even better. I am still working on shaking the guilt I [shouldn’t] feel about my partner having to use condoms, and I do feel a bit nervous about relying on condoms alone.

Can you feel it up there by your cervix? I mean, I guess I don’t actively feel a tampon unless I contract the muscles, so this is probably the same?

I’m not sure about that. I’ve only gotten a prescription at my annual but I didn’t think that was a requirement. I thought any birth control method prescribed by a doctor would be no copay. I certainly hope that’s the case! It could be insurance-dependent. I’ll have to check on this.

Nah dude. When I was on the pill we still pulled out. Now we just use condoms and I kind of wish he still pulled out. I’m considering this diaphragm combined with pulling out, now...

Preach. Slight sensation loss v. sex being painful for me, me having less interest in the whole thing, me not knowing if my feelings are mine or induced by extra hormones, list goes on? Suck it up, buttercup.

Like the female condom, a diaphram can be inserted in advance. This helps prevent the complaint people wage against male condoms about having to pause before insertion.

It only seems to make sense so it’ll be free with insurance. I wonder if it will start prescription and then become OTC. Maybe it’s the gel you have to use?

I don’t shower everyday BUT I hateeeeee not having a washcloth.

I remember joking about marrying for tax breaks with my boyfriend when we were just friends. We knew each other many years before dating, too. I could see us having a similar story (and I want a ring with mine and my partner’s birthstones if I ever get engaged).

Whoa actually that would be a good way to go with my guy. I never really could think of what I would do in lieu of a ring but you’re onto something.

Yeah dude. Like once you’ve kind of settled but this was the first person you were really with so it’s weird. Like, at first when I was new and exciting so was the sex life (except when I cried about possible vaginismus and he didn’t seem to care in both a sex-is-not-all-I-like-you-for and an I’d-rather-sleep kind of

He’s awful and House Party could be sung by Backstreet Boys but in a bad way. It enrages me that he gets country airplay and very country sounding women do not.

Holy shit I said the same thing. My boyfriend doesn’t like the song but didn’t really get what I meant. I said white knighty but that’s not quite it.

Ugh how can I develop this kind of sexual relationship in an existing LTR?

Yeah see, I really like the idea of these detailed suggestions to try because it’s difficult to know how to direct someone. You can’t exactly figure out what head feels good using your own fingers and I’m so uncomfortable speaking up.