
I work with loggerheads in Florida and we don't close beaches because turtles nest, we just mark the nests the next morning. We get leatherbacks on rare occasion and follow the same procedure. What do you mean by "protected"? I'm unfamiliar with practices outside of Florida.

She wouldn't have nested otherwise; if a turtle is harassed she'll turn right around and sometimes even drop the eggs in the ocean (which is obviously not good!).

Where were you/when was this? The practice of moving all the nests doesn't happen (to my knowledge) in the US anymore, so I'm curious.

They very rarely hatch or nest during the day. This wedding one came up in the almost dark, which isn't quite as uncommon. Kemp's Ridleys do nest during the day though. Planning a wedding around a hatch would be tricky, as they hatch in average in 55 days but the span is usually more like 50 - 70 days.

Yeah, that doesn't really surprise me in that area. It's really unfortunate. North Florida is sadly neglected, aside from Jacksonville, Tallahassee, and parts of the coast.

Why is it embarrassing? I love game shows.

This is for a row. It divides out to $12 - $13 per seat.

Nope. Regular public high school.

This is the only school in the county that does this outdoor graduation thing, for good reason.

Very honest question: why couldn't people fulfill the community service hours? 150 hours over 4 years seems to me like a low requirement, but were students at your school that greatly hindered by having to have jobs? Were there not volunteer opportunities?

I doubt it. I went to a different school in this district and our caps and gowns were more than that. I don't know what the fee goes to.

This is a little extreme. I am a product of both the Florida public school system and the public university system and I like to think I am both doing okay and will do okay, along with many of my peers. Thanks.

HI! This is my school district, too! I mean, I don't work for them, but I am a product of it and my mom is a substitute. It's embarrassing.

Hahahaha this is my hometown. This is the least shameful thing the school district has done in the past year (not that it excuses it). They have failed to account for millions of dollars for various things like worker's comp, special education, etc.

They have to rent a stage, apparently, and pay for electricity and all that. The local newspaper says it costs MHS between $10,000 and $12,000 every year to do graduation (…), which certainly seems nuts.

The banana ones were my favorite!

That expression doesn't really say "come hither" or "I want to fuck you" to me. To me, it says "OMG I HAVE A VAGINA!"

Not all dog owners, but some dog owners definitely seem like they're in it for the control.

The way dogs act, and the way people get upset when I don't want the dog to lick me to show its love, reminds me of all the times I've been forced to kiss relatives.

Since they are homeschooled, they don't have traditional teachers/administrators/whatever to be chaparones.