I think the point was that a mature adult may have general preferences but at the end of the day if that mature adult wants to be in a relationship they are going to be more concerned about the whole person than the fat on their chest.
I think the point was that a mature adult may have general preferences but at the end of the day if that mature adult wants to be in a relationship they are going to be more concerned about the whole person than the fat on their chest.
Yes, it's silly, yes, it's melodramatic, but I will never believe that my boyfriend wouldn't like my body more if I were one cup size bigger (which comes from me, not from anything he's said or done; he claims to like them but mostly only when I put them down). Pretty much every time I change my clothes I go through…
I'm so bad at this. Okay, it's "whom" because "you" is the subject and the who/whom is referring to the object? The one to who (WHOM?! I DON'T KNOW.) the love is directed?
I thought this was supposed to be a bunch of lobsters, which made everything really confusing.
Well, yes. I guess I see a lot of people not doing that because they don't want to measure themselves, etc.
I read this as "preggo sauce" and thought you meant breastmilk, but then I read the part about valuing alcohol...and then my mind went to a really bad place as far as what "preggo sauce" could be until I realized you just meant that you have pasta sauce.
It doesn't look like the passengers would have control over moving the seats. It looks like the airline would be adjusting the seats according to the number of each type of seat (small, medium, large, or whatever) they sell.
Waaait. What if I assume I can fit into a small seat and then get there and I can't? It sounds like the seats would be pre-adjusted for sizes prior to boarding based on what kind of seats people buy. I can imagine a lot of kinks in getting this started.
But it shows the perception that people who have sexual urges regarding children have towards getting help, which is important.
When I worked at COLDSTONE we were paid less than non-tipped minimum because we were tipped. COLDSTONE. This almost made sense because we had the kitschy singing deal to coerce people into tipping for their $6 ice cream sundae, but that seems to be dead at my old workplace; not sure if they've been bumped to minimum…
Yeah. It's easy! Just advise them to check before ordering if you think it contains an ingredient they don't want to consume. Sometimes from meat eaters in particular it comes off as kind of condescending (in the sense that some meat eaters like to try to catch vegetarians, I've found), but if you have the right…
Sometimes, my boyfriend just starts giving me one-word responses and gets strangely quiet. This is the hungry sign.
This is interesting and makes me want to go learn my body fat percentage so I can tell if I've guessed it right.
Seconding the UK thing.
I mean, I'm a Florida girl and can't deal with any amount of cold, so I do sometimes wear skin-tone hose when I want to wear a dress, particularly in the evening, and it's cold (like 50* F, seriously) outside. I didn't realize it was such a fashion issue aside from the fact that they're not particularly comfortable;…
I don't know if it's the same, but there have been claims from hairdressers that perform Brazilian Blowouts that they've experienced negative health effects. There's not really any not-chemical way to force your hair to change texture, aside from heat of course but that's less "permanent".
Did it on a school computer. OOPS.
If I didn't bring home straight As on every progress report or report card, I was yelled at. This tapered off in high school when I got a few Bs in math or German while pursuing a generally rigorous course load but the academic shame and fear of failure has never faded.
They don't dissolve or break up like poop.
Most people haven't. I didn't experience the issue until moving to this old house. However, it tends to be a gradual build up problem, so each time you flush one you're contributing.