
You can’t be held at fault (not that you are) for “misjudging” a guy when he was working so hard to lie to you! Not only about having a girlfriend but about being a decent human being. That’s what predators do—they camouflage, they act meek, they flatter. They want you to think they’re nice.

Exaaaactly. If she is trying to avoid politics stay the fuck out of OUR white house, you entitled, complicit bitch from hell.

This bitch has an office in the White House and attends meetings with heads of state and she is claiming she TRIES TO STAY OUT OF POLITICS??? Wtf. The gall.

I feel like the entire country is being gaslighted (gaslit?). Every goddamn day it’s something new with these people.

I donated $10 through ActBlue.

Oh I know! This is the reason I am donating $50 to his campaign. If all of us who hate Ryan donated to his campaign he may still lose but he will give Ryan hell and I am willing to pay for that.

Thirteen people are trying to get this passed, right? Who exactly are these thirteen? And why the fuck isn’t the mainstream media covering this? At this point, I’m getting more news from Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah, and John Oliver than I am from news outlets. And that is fucked up.

When it comes to celebrity baby friends, Asahd is maybe No. 5 on my list.

Liberals can’t even shoot straight.

Chris Hemsworth as Kevin

I’m being bitchy and awful but I like Katy Perry as a person and Taylor Swift just reminds me of every girl in high school who made my life a living hell and acted the angel when called out. People have a lotta shit to say about Katy Perry but one of my ex’s mates worked as a sound technician on one of her Australian

Congratulations to Julia. 10 Things I Hate About You remains one of my favourite movies to this day. The first time I watched it, I had been bullied into sex by my abusive ex the day before, and hadn’t realised it was okay to regret sex afterwards. Also Kat was my feminist hero at a time I was told because women could

Why do people like her, though? This is what I still can’t figure out. She’s done nothing in her life to indicate that she’s anything but a grifter (albeit a blonder, prettier grifter than the rest of her family). It just seems like people are equating femininity/beauty with virtue, which will always be a stupid

I am a man, and I respect this position- and where it comes from, but I disagree. Men should be in this conversation on the pro-choice side in a way that they haven’t been, to date. They should be full-throated in their defense of a woman’s right to choose what happens to her body. Men have, for too long, dominated

Adults really need to be told that this is bad?

The press is doing this to themselves, a little, too, by not covering it, as you say. They’ve covered every other unfair reporter arrest (the guy in Virginia, the dude who got body-slammed).

I don’t think it’s a conspiracy, I just think the press misses some stuff because other things sell papers. And it’s sad.

What even is this whole thing?

Ooooo....rash-causing burn!

Jessica Alba has been dead to me ever since she sued The Honest Toddler for copyright infringement, despite the HT blog being established first.