Dirty Fool

There was much more deal-making and convincing to do, but I think eventually they were all on board.

She (Cersei) has basically destroyed the last of her influence with the re-arming of the Sparrows. Shit is about to get a lot harder for her and her agenda.

Thanks! Totally didn’t see it was in that section.

Not sure where you are getting Gay vibes from, Mark send you boner pics or something?

I have to say, I am really happy my parents did trust me. They took everything I had to say at face value, unless there was good evidence to contradict what I was saying. I called when they asked, checked in when they wanted, and woke them up when I got home in time for curfew (followed by going right back out the

This is exactly what I have been trying to tell people: bring your legitimate complaints and criticism out under a new name with a more unified message, don’t harass people, and then people with start paying attention. Right now GG is too dysfunctional to bring about anything good.

I thought they were also used to store valuables, as people hesitated to search the “nether regions” like they would someone’s pockets. Hence the term the “family jewels”.

Dude is super ballsy with those hippos. I would not want to fuck with them and their melons.

Why do I never get to participate in these surveys? Shit don’t represent me very well.

Not to mention the cost benefits of NOT having a bunch of unwanted children brought into the world.

I vote for carbs, so he ain’t getting my vote! And really, turning down risotto? Fuck this guy.

Preach! Subway always gives me really bad bloating and gas, bad shits too. And I eat all sorts of bad shit and generally don’t have any issues. I have a gut like an industrial woodchipper.

Man these stories are sad, and some are especially fucked up. What the fuck old men, 8th grade girls? I am ashamed for my fellow men.

Fuck these people and their lies. Also, coffee plus a few slices of cheesy toast is the breakfast of CHAMPIONS.

Real juggalos don’t have that kind of grammar.

Just wait, another 2-3 months and they will be giving Titanfall away for free.

Just wait, another 2-3 months and they will be giving Titanfall away for free.

I loved playing this game but had absolutely no idea how to play it. I just wanted to be a Wookie and shoot everything.

I have been slowly working my way through this game, and realized I have only been playing the main quest line when I encounter those “Area Not Available” blocks.

I don’t think I actually want to know either way...

That is just his colostomy bag, sorry.